* Who is Michael Lerner and the Marxist philosophy of
Tikkun Magazine?
* Why Hillary will not reverse but rather increase Obama's open-door policy on Islam and illegal aliens.
* But does America really know what they are getting?
Eric Barger has chronicled the spiritual odyssey of Hillary Clinton since the early 1990's. Now, considering the race for President, the need to sound this alarm is greater than ever before.
Eric Barger states, "It would not matter if she were Democrat, Republican, or Independent. For the sake of our nation the spiritual practices that fuel Hillary Clinton must be known."
This 68 minute live DVD presentation contains information you, your family, and friends are not hearing in the major media. America needs to hear the inconvenient, eye-opening truth.
We are especially grateful that besides our weekly budget we've been able to make up some ground after an unusually slow summer. But the task is not complete - yet.
Would you please take a moment and seek the Lord about Take A Stand! Ministries and what He may want you to contribute by faith at this time?
The need is still sizable but we are confident and not alarmed and have no apprehension that God already has every detail all worked out. Thus, we are coming to you full of faith and encouraged with another short reminder until the summer deficit is retired completely.
Your gifts can be made securely here online or by sending your check to our ministry address (below).
We appreciate your support and prayers all year round. Thanks for helping us meet the current need!
Eric & Melanie
"We exist to see the lost saved and the Church changed by the power of Jesus Christ."