Onondaga Pathways to Careers (OPC) at Onondaga Community College (OCC)
…for Young People with Disabilities
Now Recruiting:
High School Seniors for the
OPC Scholars Program
The OPC project is currently recruiting 12th grade students to participate in the OPC Scholars Program. The Scholars program is a FREE college preparatory program for high school seniors with disabilities. The program engages its participants in college and career planning, leadership development, life skills development and fun social events.  The program runs from October 2016 through June 2017 and meets once a month at the Onondaga Community College main campus.

The OPC Scholars Program is aligned with the OPC program, which provides supported pathways to careers in high demand technology fields at Onondaga Community College. It is recommended that prospective OPC Scholars have an interest in pursuing a career in technology. The program is designed to provide the necessary skills to help students with disabilities make a smooth transition from high school to college. 

To obtain an application for the program, click here:  OPC Scholars Program.  Applications are tentatively due on Friday, September 23.  Feel free to contact Dean Tzivanis, OPC Recruitment Specialist, at 315.498.2222, or with any questions related to the Scholars Program.  
Tutoring Comes in Many Forms
How can you find a tutor for the class that’s keeping you up at night?
The Learning Center at Onondaga Community College offers tutoring in math and sciences, humanities, technology, writing, and virtually every branch of learning on campus. Students may meet face to face with a tutor, work on-line with a tutor, or attend a tutor-led study group or workshop.

Get Started with YOUR Tutoring:
Go to our scheduling website,, to register for an account. Next, schedule your own appointment on-line. Search for a course specific tutor or a writing tutor on the schedules available in the drop down menu. Select a convenient time and sign up for an appointment lasting up to 45 minutes. We’ll email you a reminder on the day of your session.

After your appointment we’ll send you a survey asking how we did.  Your feedback is important to us and you’ll have an opportunity to cast your vote for Tutor of the Month.
Coming soon:

Don't miss OCC's Fall Open House:

  • Friday & Saturday, September 23rd & 24th
Training - Skills - Jobs
Preparation of this item was funded by the Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of Labor, Grant No. OD-26453-14-75-4-36. This document does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of Labor, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Onondaga Pathways to Careers| 315-498-2945 | |