Juneau Economic Development Council NEWS  |  September 2016
JEDC Economic Indicators Are Out! 


The Juneau Economic Development Council is happy to announce that the annual Economic Indicators are out! You can download a copy HERE or you can request to have one sent to your office by emailing Dana Herndon.  JEDC Executive Director, Brian Holst, and JEDC lead researcher, Eva Bornstein, went on KINY Action Line to talk about the latest findings. Listen to it HERE.  Special thanks to the JEDC investors for making this publication possible. 

A special thanks to our board members, investors, and community leaders that attended the economic indicators preview presentation earlier this week.

Current JEDC Board of Director Openings

The Juneau Economic Development Council annually has openings on its Board of Directors. JEDC Board members are recommended to the CBJ Assembly by the current JEDC Board and then appointed by the CBJ Assembly based upon their experience and expertise in areas relating to economic development and our local economy.
For an appointment of three years starting on/about December 2016, there are three seats available. There is also one additional seat available for a two-year appointment to complete an unexpired term. In this cycle, one of the three open three-year seats will be filled by a representative of organized labor.
Interested parties should complete an application AND a letter of interest directed to the JEDC Board of Directors that briefly describes your qualifications and/or interest in serving on the JEDC Board of Directors. If interested in the appointment to the Organized Labor seat, you should also indicate that in your letter.  Please direct questions to JEDC Executive Director, Brian Holst,, or call 523-2333 for more information.
Application (form and letter of interest) can be sent to JEDC.
Deadline for applying is Friday, October 21.  Interested candidates should plan on participating in interviews with current members of the JEDC Board in early November.
Seasonal Businesses Encouraged to Leave Pleasing Winter Windows

T he JEDC, in collaboration with the Downtown Business Association and the CBJ, encouraged seasonal businesses to adhere to the  Downtown Historic District Design Standards and Guidelines
which require display windows to provide year-round interest. This means that windows covered in butcher paper, newspaper, boards, or other blank coverings including blinds, are not allowed and are inappropriate for the District.  Some suggestions for appropriate window displays that could block views to the interior of the store include installing a temporary window display. 

The purpose of this push is to improve the downtown streetscape and to offer a more pleasing, pedestrian-friendly environment that encourages people to spend more time downtown. For more information, please contact Dana Herndon.  

Congratulations to Jordan Cooper!

JEDC is excited to congratulate Jordan Cooper (TMHS Grad and FIRST Robotics Alum) who just completed her Girl Scout Gold Project. For her project, she's created a web resource for troop leaders and after school providers of short, hands-on STEM activities. She worked with JEDC staff and has added her resource to the STEM AK website:  
Cluster Working Group Meetings

JEDC continues to facilitate cluster working group meetings as part of its Southeast Cluster Initiative

The October Renewable Energy meeting will  Tuesday, October 4, at 3:30PM at JEDC.

The November Renewable Energy will meet on Thursday, November 10th from 3:30PM-5PM in the JEDC Conference Room.

The November Visitor Products meeting will be on Friday, November 4th at 1PM at JEDC.
Help Revitalize Downtown by Selecting a Storefront Star! 

The JEDC along with the Downtown Business Association invite you to  enter your nomination for a Storefront Star in downtown Juneau.  We're looking for locations that have an outstanding storefront that best contributes to a great downtown experience.  These nominations can include places that show investment in signage, paint, new materials, landscaping, etc.

Attractive buildings and storefronts attract business.  The intent of this recognition is to encourage downtown businesses to improve the appearance of storefronts. By improving the appear of buildings, we hope to improve the economic vitality of downtown.  

Email your nomination to Dana Herndon
JEDC Presents Choose Juneau Campaign

The Juneau Economic Development Council presented the  Choose Juneau campaign to a group of human resource professionals from the Society of Human Resource Management.  Part of the Choose Juneau campaign includes designing a web-based platform that consolidates all Juneau-centric information that potential residents might need to make a decision to move to Juneau. The goal of Choose Juneau is to create tools that position Juneau as a place for individuals to work, raise a family, recreate, and invest. The Choose Juneau website is a work-in-progress and we welcome feedback on content, look & feel and more.

Laura Culp from True North Federal Credit Union Chooses Juneau because the air and the environment are so clean.

Dan Robinson from the Department of Labor Chooses Juneau because of the amazing trails.

Dallas Hargrave from the City & Borough of Juneau and Bartlett Regional Hospital Chooses Juneau because it's a great place to raise a family. 

Juneau's amazing access to outdoor recreation was recently noticed by the national Trail Runner Magazine. The magazine deemed Juneau as one of the top trail towns in the U.S.    
The Case for Electric Vehicles in Juneau

The JEDC-facilitated Renewable Energy Cluster Working Group invites you to learn more about Juneau's initial steps to electrify passenger and commercial vehicles. Find out about the role of AEL&P, CBJ's work on electric public transit, the experience of local electric car owners and the possible use of electric vehicles at the Glacier Visitor Center. This event is part of a series on future energy solutions for Juneau and October Energy Awareness Month.  

Attend the event on Thursday, October 6th at 5:45PM at the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center. 

The event includes a panel with: Piper Foster Wilder [Renewable Energy Alaska Project], Bill Hagevig (invited) [Holland America Princess Tours], John Neary [Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center], Alec Mesdag [AEL&P], Devon Kibby [Juneau Electric Vehicle Association], and Ed Foster [CBJ Streets, Transit and Fleet].    

Inspire a Future Generation by Becoming a Junior Achievement Volunteer

JEDC stands on the Juneau Junior Achievement Committee and is looking for volunteers to help inspire our future generation. If you have a desire to be an inspirational role model, have the time to give to the students, and feel that there is a need for financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship education, we would love to have you join us! 

We need teachers to volunteer their classrooms as well as community volunteers to visit the classrooms.   To find out more about volunteering, please visit the  JEDC site

Save the Date: Innovation Summit 2017 

Looking to Expand Your Business or Have a Business Idea that You Want to Make Happen?

If you have a project that will create or retain jobs in Southeast Alaska, Juneau Economic Development Council could be the lender you've been looking for.  We are a non-profit financial institution created to fund development in Southeast Alaska.  It is often very difficult for
Deckhand Dave's is open thanks to the JEDC Revolving Loan Fund
new businesses and businesses in depressed industries to get the financing they need to get sta rted and so Juneau Economic Development Council launched the Southeast Alaska Revolving Loan Fund in 1997 to bridge the gap between what banks will finance and what the business  community needs.  Our goal is to provide financing for viable projects that will cre ate and retain quality jobs and help to diversify local economies in Southeast Alaska.  JEDC operates a community-based loan fund and one region wide loan program that serves smaller communities throughout Southeast Alaska. Find out more by contacting Margaret O'Neal

Willoughby District Stakeholders Meeting a Success! 

Over 70 community members attended the Willoughby District Stakeholders meeting that JEDC hosted earlier in September. The purpose of the Willoughby District Stakeholder meetings is to celebrate investments being made in the District, share plans, and encourage collaboration among stakeholders. The group received updates on Bauer/Clifton's new Haus Alaska project, the CBJ parking study, Juneau District Heat, Main Street America by the DBA, the Juneau Ocean Center, Zipcar Car-Sharing possibility, and Choose Juneau. A series of shorter updates were also presented, including updates on Zach Gordon, Centennial Hall, IGA Foodland, Andrew P. Kashevaroff state museum, and the JAHC. Another Willoughby District stakeholder meeting will be held in December 2016.  For more information on the JEDC downtown revitalization efforts, please contact Brian Holst or Dana Herndon.

Special thanks to the JAHC for letting us use the JACC!
Economic Indicator: Juneau is Young-- Compared to Our Neighbors 

Juneau's median age in 2015 is below that of other communities in Southeast Alaska. It has trended down slightly from a high of 38.0 in 2010 to its current 37.6. Meanwhile, the United States has been aging, and the median age is now 37.8, slightly older than Juneau.

These statistics and more are available in the 2016 Juneau and Southeast Alaska Economic Indicators now available for download on the JEDC website at:  .

Investor Spotlight: Alaska Growth Capital

AGC (Alaska Growth Capital), an innovative alternative lending organization, finances growth companies in the northwest region of the United States. The company fills an important niche in the capital market for growth companies in the stage between startup equity and traditional bank financing.

AGC has $190 million in assets under management, providing commercial finance in the $100,000 to $10 million range and has funded over $450 million in the northwest region over the last 17 years.  In 2015 AGC funded $41 million in loans throughout Alaska with an average size of $1.1 million.  AGC strategically works alongside traditional lenders and other investors to assure customers reach their maximum potential.

AGC is a tier one subsidiary of Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC), the largest locally-owned and operated company in Alaska.  ASRC has over 10,000 employees with revenues approaching $3 billion annually, and is a strong, stable source of funds for AGC.

Learn more about supporting the work of JEDC and consider an Investment in Juneau.
Become a 2016 JEDC Investor 

We invite you to invest in Juneau by becoming a JEDC Investor. Show your support of the work we do to forward Juneau and Southeast's economy.

By supporting JEDC you are supporting the long-term economic success of Alaska's capital city, and creating a business climate that in turn supports your business or organization.  

To learn more about our investor program, please visit or send an email to Dana Herndon
Thank you for subscribing to JEDC News!
If you find JEDC News to be of interest and value, please forward the newsletter to your friends and colleagues.  


Executive Director
Juneau Economic Development Council

In This Issue
Quick Links
Like us on Facebook
Board of Directors
Lauren MacVay, Chair
Chancellor Rick Caulfield, Vice Chair
Mitch Jackson, Treasurer
Susan Murray, Secretary
Mayor Ken Koelsch
Corey Baxter
Alec Mesdag
Sydney Mitchell
Susan Murray
Brandon Cullum
Jason Puckett
Keith Comstock
Loren Jones, CBJ Assembly
Kate Troll, CBJ Assembly

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Central Council of Tlingit & Haida 
Indian Tribes of Alaska
Juneau Chamber of Commerce
Juneau Arts & Humanities Council
Travel Juneau
Southeast Conference
AK Litho
Taku Smokeries
Alaska Glacier Seafoods
Sealaska Corporation
Haa Aani