Happy New Year from Voices & Visions!

How can we serve others this New Year? 

This Proudly Jewish poster, with art by Mordechai Rosenstein and a quote by Lynn Schusterman, suggests that we simply find our moments to embrace the task at hand - the task known in Hebrew as chesed (kindness) or gemilut chasadim (acts of kindness). 

For inspiration, we offer a video (below) in which Bernie Marcus, founder of Home Depot, recounts how his company responded to the Oklahoma tornado of 2013, and how he works to instill Jewish values in his management team.

If we have open eyes, an open heart, and a willingness to extend ourselves, we can always find opportunities to serve others. Each act of kindness  we perform makes the
world a better place.

Voices & Visions wishes you a happy 5777 and a year of sweetness, filled with  opportunities  to serve.

"Serving others is one of the pillars upon which Judaism rests." 
- Lynn Schusterman

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