Julie Wilshusen wanders through thousands of costumes
propsNeed something to wear for Halloween or props for your production? Head over to Nebraska Wesleyan University.

Forty thousand. That is how many costumes and props are collected and maintained by the  Wesleyan Costume Library. With that many pieces, it's the Midwest's largest collection of costumes and props. They supply costumes not only to local theatre companies, but also to the general public to live out their Halloween dreams.

A few years ago, 1011 Central Nebraska News took a tour through this amazing collection and featured it in a TV news segment. ( Watch the video here.

"I have nine students who work on the costumes side, and two on the props side. They are great at keeping things organized, pulling costumes for various customers, and working creatively to make stories come to life," says Julie Wilshusen, manager of the box office and the costume library. "We work hard, and we have lots of fun, too."

The story made us wonder: Could YOUR costumes and props become a source of revenue for your organization?

And wouldn't it be so much fun to visit that library?

For more information, visit or call Julie at 402-465-2390.
howmanysoldWant to know how many seats or the percentage of seats sold for each upcoming performance?

Of course you do! That information will help you know which shows and performances are selling well and which need extra marketing efforts.

That is what the Performance Summary Report is for. In Wintix, you run the report for one show at a time. 

There is an advantage if you have Webtix, though. You can use the online reporting section to easily create a report that shows you how many tickets have been sold, the sales figures, the seats remaining, and the percent sold for all performances of all shows that are on sale.

NEW! Add a requirement that your online patrons agree to your terms and conditions

For no cost, Center Stage Software can build a feature in your Webtix page like the one above. The software requires a "Yes" answer before the tickets can be purchased and the "Ticket and refund policy" button takes them to the policy on your website.

Contact Diane Rowe (831-583-0641 or to add this feature to your Webtix page.
updateMake a date!  

Treat your Wintix to a special occasion. Make sure you run an update once a month so that you can show you care (about software improvements). 

Need help downloading an update? Click here.

Webtix users - make sure your website's 'purchase tickets' buttons are pointing to the right servers!

Are you getting an error that you can't connect? 

Check to make sure your "Buy Tickets" button is pointing to the right place. You will either be on "Tix4" or "Tix5."   The link should look something like:

 https://tix4(or 5)
punctuationPunctuation problems!

Have any of your patrons ever gotten an "Error 270" when they try to make a purchase online? 

The most likely culprit is a punctuation mark like quotation marks or an exclamation point in the title of the show.  The interface where the credit card number is processed doesn't allow special characters.  So, make sure you don't use any punctuation in your show names. 

If your patron receives an Error 270 anyway, please contact our support department: 831-920-1254 or support@centerstage

There could be other issues with the interface that we may need to diagnose. 

Contact us!
Center Stage Software | 831.583.0641 | |
831-920-1254 |
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