Is Democrat Council Chair Ernie Martin
Now Running the Pro-Rail Hawaii GOP?

Aloha, Republicans:

Gosh, it was pretty exciting for Republicans when those three union leaders got behind Charles Djou's campaign for mayor , wasn't it?
"Wow," many local Republicans thought, "these unions are just as concerned about high taxes and the wasteful rail project as I am."  Sorry folks, nope.
Unfortunately, the move by these unions and Djou's several other high profile Democrat backers wasn't so "spontaneous" or "innocent".  And it doesn't represent a 'political shift' or even a recognition by union households that Republicans are the real party of working people.
Actually, when you get to know these union leaders, their past political endorsements, their motivations, and the one politician* who wishes that he was the one challenging Caldwell for mayor instead of Djou, it all becomes crystal clear.
That one politician is *City Council chairman Ernie Martin.  And it's NO COINCIDENCE that less than 24 hours after Martin decided not to run, Djou decided to abandon his dream of finally getting elected to a 2-year term in Congress and surprised everyone by running for mayor instead.
You can (and should) check this timeline for yourself:
"Why?" you might ask.  Well, these unions (and Charles Djou) have more in common with the pro-tax, pro-rail, pro-HART agenda of Democrat Ernie Martin than they will ever have with excitable Republicans.  They just won't tell you so or even draw you a roadmap.
But HIRA will explain it AND draw you that roadmap , because most Republicans don't understand the game or even how it gets played.
EXPLANATION:  Charles Djou is merely the surrogate candidate for Kirk Caldwell's chief political rival:  Democrat Ernie Martin.
ROADMAP:  Here's a handy infographic to help put things in perspective.

Finally, mahalo for your attention to these critical issues which will affect all of us for generations to come.  Your feedback is always welcomed by HIRA and you are invited to e-mail us at  Thanks again!

Sincerely yours,
President, Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA)
Chairman, HIRA Action SuperPAC
Please donate to HIRA Action, the official SuperPAC for the Hawaii Republican Assembly, to support HIRA's work to educate voters about failed Democrat policies and about conservative Republican solutions for Hawaii.


P.S. Please help us continue to provide a voice for conservatives.
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The Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA), an affiliated chapter of 
is the conservative standard-bearer of the Republican Party of Hawaii 
and the leading advocate for conservative solutions in the islands. 

We are not an official arm of the Republican Party of Hawaii (RPH). 
We are the conservative base of the Republican Party. 
Please visit us at  

Hawaii Republican Assembly  | P.O. Box 2567 | Ewa Beach, HI 96706