Notes from the Principal:

     We had a great turnout for our Watch DOGS kickoff. We had over 250 people attend. It is truly fantastic that so many adult males are willing to give of their time in order to provide our students with additional positive male role models each day.  If you were unable to attend and would like more information about the program please email Mr. Wehrman at [email protected]

     MAP testing is being completed.  The students did an excellent job of giving their best effort on the test.  If you have questions about how your student did on the test, please do not hesitate to contact their teacher.  

    Finally, please watch your student's take-home folder for some exciting upcoming events at Pataskala Elementary.

Mr. Wehrman

The Southwest Licking Local School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer and as such does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, veteran status, marital status, or any other status protected by law.

Upcoming Events for the month

October Dates:
October 5 - PTO Meeting (6:00 pm)
October 7 - Parent Teacher Conferences (4 - 7 pm)
October 8 - Parent Teacher Conference Day
October 11 - Parent Teacher Conferences (4-7 pm)
October 20 - End of the 1st Quarter.  Camper of the Month Luncheon.
October 21 - No School
October 24 - No School (Professional Development Day)
October 28 - Harvest Party-More information to come soon!

How to help your student learn
Tips for Success!
When answering questions about a text passage,  always read the questions first and underline key words to look for within the text. 

Teacher Spotlight
A feature on Mrs. Lauren Male

Mrs. Male is the coordinator of Peer Collaboration at Pataskala Elementary. The program provides opportunities for students to socialize and receive social skill support. The "Breakfast Club" will be starting soon. This allows for students to have breakfast together with a focus on social skills. She also has organized opportunities for students to pair up in classrooms to support success in the classroom.