Welcome to the Maryland Historical Trust's Fall 2016 Newsletter! Each quarter, we deliver the news you need to keep up to date on our  preservation programs. Please feel free to forward this email to  other friends who might wish to subscribe!

The Maryland Historical Trust is looking for two good interns for the 2016-2017 academic year! If you are a current graduate student or recent grad with an interest in historic preservation, and a background in anthropology, history, historic preservation, museum studies, American studies, or a similar field, be sure to check out this opportunity to work with a terrific team!
Q&A with Franklin Robinson and Laura Mears

Unlike many state agencies, the Maryland Historical Trust is governed by a 15-member Board of Trustees, including the Governor, the Senate President, and the House Speaker or their designees, and 12 members appointed by the Governor. Our newest Trustees, Franklin Robinson and Laura Mears, shared a little bit about themselves for the Fall newsletter.

Trustee Franklin Robinson.
Photo by Clinton Brandhagen
What should Marylanders who love history, archeology and architecture know about you? 

Franklin Robinson:
That I truly believe history, archeology, and architecture all go hand in hand to provide a complete context for preservation and interpretation. I am also committed to doing whatever I can to create more awareness of Maryland's agricultural history and preservation of those landscapes and architecture that document that history. They should also know that I strongly believe that there is a place for state and local government to encourage, assist, and fund, where possible, historic preservation. These historic resources are finite and once they have been lost there is no getting them back.

Laura Mears: I am an Eastern Shore native, having grown up in Somerset County - an area that has many historical and architecturally significant properties. I developed a passion for local history and historic preservation at a very early age, serving as a guide for Olde Princess Anne Days when I was in Junior High School, and I became President of the Somerset County Historical Society when I was still in college. I've served on the boards of the Somerset County Historical Society, the Preservation Trust of Wicomico, the Maryland Heritage Alliance, Historic St. Martin's Church Foundation, and several other grassroots organizations.  

I'm a graduate of Salisbury University, and have studied and trained in various aspects of fundraising and nonprofit management.  I've been fortunate to have worked with organizations on the Shore to assist in securing funds for the restoration of several historic properties. 

Trustee Laura Mears
What is your favorite historic place in Maryland, and why? 

FR: Such an unfair question! I have so many favorite historic places and all for different reasons. The Maryland State Archives is a favorite place, one where I have spent many days researching and I consider myself lucky to live in a state that has preserved such an extensive archive. In Charles County, Habre de Venture, the Thomas Stone Historic Site is a favorite for its peace, tranquility and pastoral setting. The two historic churches of St. Thomas' Episcopal Parish, Prince George's County, because they have been part of my family's history for generations. Another favorite place is Historic St. Mary's City, where my love of Maryland history really expanded and where I began my professional acting career so many years ago, when the Maryland Shakespeare Festival was based there.

LM: It is very difficult for me to pick a favorite historic place in Maryland - I have many favorites! However, because of my love of the Lower Shore's rich cultural and historical heritage, I would have to put the Teackle Mansion in Princess Anne at the top of the list. This building has many fascinating architectural features and is a significant landmark for the town and the region. Historic St. Martin's Church in Worcester County is another treasure - a sacred site that endures as one of the most significant historic properties on the Eastern Shore. 

What are you most looking forward to as a new board member of the Maryland Historical Trust? 

FR: Being on the Board at a time of increased awareness of our diverse history and being a part of moving preservation forward to encompass that diversity. I am also looking forward to finding ways of answering the challenge of making historic preservation meaningful and important to a younger generation. I also look forward to the excitement of reviewing new preservation projects and measures that come before the Board.

LM: I am looking forward to serving on the Board of the Maryland Historical Trust, as it is a wonderful opportunity for me to work with other preservation-minded citizens to advance historic preservation in Maryland. MHT has a significant role in protecting our heritage through its stewardship, educational, and financial assistance programs. 

Bmore Historic is a participant-led unconference for people like you: teachers, students, professionals, and volunteers who care about public history, historic preservation and cultural heritage in the Baltimore region. For 2016, Bmore Historic is taking place at the Baltimore Museum of Industry in Federal Hill on October 21. To learn more or sign up, visit Baltimore Heritage's website.

The National Park Service announced a new grant round "to preserve and highlight the sites and stories related to the African American struggle for equality in the 20th Century." Congress appropriated $8 million for competitive grants, which will support planning, development, and research projects. Eligible applicants include local governments and non-profit organizations, including historically black colleges and universities. The deadline is Friday, October 14, 2016.

Preparing for Future Floods
Nell Ziehl, Chief, Office of Planning, Education and Outreach
My Summer in Maryland Archeology
Justin Warrenfeltz, Intern

A Fond Farewell to Roz Racanello
Maryland Historical Trust Staff

A Summer with the Maryland Historical Trust
Andrew Chase, Intern