Wake County

Solid Waste Management Division

October-December 2016
Next Meeting
South Wake Landfill Citizens Committee

The next South Wake Landfill Citizens Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 5 from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm at the Holly Springs Cultural Center , located at 300 West Ballentine Street, in Holly Springs.

The South Wake Landfill Citizen Committee was established in 2006 prior to the opening of the landfill with the purpose of:
  • Providing a forum for neighbors of the landfill to have a voice in its continuing development
  • Providing a conduit for information between Solid Waste staff and the neighboring community regarding activities at the landfill
If you are interested in becoming a member of the South Wake Landfill Citizens Committee or plan to attend the next meeting, please notify us ahead of time, to be sure there is enough seating .
Landfill Traffic
Increases Due To State Fair

Plenty of us look forward to the NC State Fair to enjoy rides, eat the latest fried concoctions or just walk the Midway. Did you also know that during this annual event Wake County allows waste (from the State Fair, ONLY) to be delivered overnight to the South Wake Landfill?

This activity has taken place since the landfill opened in 2008.  The operation starts around 10 PM and goes until 6 AM each night that the Fair is open because this is the only time that garbage trucks can safely get into the fairgrounds to empty waste containers. 
So, from Thursday, October 13 th thru Sunday, October 23 rd please be aware that there is the potential for more than usual traffic, light and noise to be generated from the landfill overnight. Rest assured  Wake County will take extra precautions to minimize the potential for additional odors. W e appreciate your patience during this once-a-year event. 
Landfill Tours
Fall 2016 Tour Dates

Residents taking a landfill tour for Earth Day
Join us for  a free tour of the South Wake Landfill and learn where the trash of 1,000,000 people goes when it leaves the curb. Public t ours are a vailable at 9:30am and 11am on the following dates:

- Saturday, October 15
- Tuesday, November 15
- Saturday, December 3

Available to Wake County residents eight years of age and older. Registration is required. To learn more or to register, click here .
Upcoming Event
Wake County Recycling Day

Wake County Recycling Day

Join Wake County Solid Waste Management Division on Saturday, November 19, 2016 to celebrate America Recycles Day at North Wake Solid Waste Management Facilities at 9029 Deponie Drive in Raleigh.

Starting at 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. there will be paper shredding, electronics recycling, household hazardous waste drop-off, and compost bin sales. For more information click here.
Autumn Leaves and Other Yard Waste
Not Accepted

While Wake County does not accept yard waste or leaves at the South Wake Landfill and County Convenience Centers, each municipality within Wake County has its own yard waste management program . Please refer to the links below to find information about yard waste management in your town:
2016 Waste Stats
Number of Garbage Trucks

Month Trucks/Day Trucks/Month

The above table shows the number of garbage trucks tipping at the South Wake Landfill from March thru August 2016. The landfill is open Monday through Saturday from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm.
Stay Connected
Join us on Facebook
Wake County Solid Waste Management Division is on Facebook sharing information on waste reduction, reuse, recycling and waste disposal services in Wake County. To stay up-to-date on the latest news and events connect with us on  Facebook .

Odor Control Update
Changing Weather Patterns

The prevailing winds around the South Wake Landfill this time of year create more than usual challenges to control landfill related odors from reaching some of the closest neighboring communities. We are now well into the unfavorable wind pattern period (August thru November).  Waste Industries and Wake County are working continuously to minimize landfill related odors at South Wake Landfill. Some of the efforts to minimize odors include:
  • The working face of the landfill is being kept to a minimum to decrease the area of waste exposed to prevailing winds
  • Soil is predominantly being used to cover the waste at the end of every day, soil provides the most effective daily odor control cover
  • Odor checks are being performed daily throughout adjacent neighborhoods, shopping centers and public areas
  • Staff are in close communication with residents via our online odor report system
  • More frequent monitoring of the landfill gas collection system to make sure it is operating efficiently
If you notice objectionable odors in your neighborhood or other areas around the South Wake Landfill, please notify us immediately by submitting the  odor report form    
South Wake Solid Waste Facilities
Construction Projects Starting This Fall
South Wake Facility Redesign Schematic Site Plan

Wake County is currently finalizing construction design documents and the permit approval process for the relocation and redesign of several facilities located at the South Wake Solid Waste Management Facilities located on Old Smithfield Road in Apex.  Significant improvements include:  
  • Overall increased material collection capacity and improved customer circulation
  • New drive-up collection bays at the Convenience Center 
  • New tire drop location
  • New Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) building/storage
  • Expanded Multi-Material Recycling Facility (MMRF)
  • New buildings for HHW/MMRF staff
  • New Wake County Field Office (for educational and operational purposes)
Currently, the goal is to begin construction in early 2017. U pdates regarding the timing of the 14-month project w ill be published in future newsletters and at Citizens Committee meetings.  Send any  questions about the new facility or traffic flow changes to Wake County Solid Waste.  
Tree Planting Program Update
Request for Citizen Input
As presented at the  last  Citizens Committee meeting, Wake County Solid Waste Management Division has offered to sponsor a tree planting program for neighbors of the South Wake Landfill. It is intended that these trees would help beautify neighborhoods and, in time, divert the view of the landfill from homes.

Citizen input is a vital component of a neighborhood tree planting program from design and implementation through to care and maintenance.  Before OBS Landscape Architects presents a proposal  to the County  to implement a tree planting program, t he County  is requesting  citizen input
Residents of the Forest Springs subdivision in Holly Springs received a survey via email from Resource Property Management. Data collected from this survey will determine how the County will move forward with a tree planting program.  Forest Springs residents are encouraged to complete the survey as soon as possible. The survey can be accessed using the link in the email or by using this link  
Lake Gulls, soon to be here...
Arriving Late October
Gulls at South Wake Landfill
The milder winter, and nearby nesting ground at Jordan Lake attract thousands of gulls from the Great Lakes to NC each year, add to that a convenient food source and the South Wake Landfill becomes a regular hang out for the gulls each November thru February. For a chance to see the gulls up close before they all return to their northern breeding grounds by March take a tour of the landfill this fall!
Feltonsville Graveyard
Mysteries Solved
Feltonsville Graveyard, local historian Jeff Hatcher, and Holly Springs Masonic Lodge #115
Since the 1970's, when Wake County first purchased the land that the Feltonsville Landfill now sits on, staff at Wake County Solid Waste have pondered who is buried in the small family cemetery left undisturbed beneath a patch of trees adjacent to the landfill. T hat was until August 2016 when a local historian, Jeff Hatcher, reached out to staff with claims that Alsey Hunter, the first master   of the Holly Springs Masonic Lodge  chartered in 1847,  could be buried there.  
Jeff, a past master himself thought it would be interesting to solve the mystery of the final resting spot of the Worshipful Brother Alsey Hunter. He  started with o nline census records from the mid 1800's and then went onto study maps from the NC Historical Maps Archive. His breakthrough finally came when he toggled between archive maps and present day Google Earth to find the location of the Old Hunter Family Cemetery was right in the middle of the Wake County Landfill.  
The Hunter Family are d irect descendents of William Hunter I. (b. 1650) of Northumberland, England who came to the American Colonies in 1670. The Hunters  have a long history in Wake and Chatham County, NC, with numerous members becoming important figures of the church and prominent businessmen that played an integral part of the history of Apex, Holly Springs and Raleigh. 
The Old Hunter Family Cemetery is the final resting place of Isaac Hunter, Alsey's son, Ann Hunter, wife of Isaac Hunter and Emma Hunter, wife of Alsey's grandson. There are also a number of other headstones and graves in the cemetery. If you are interested in learning more send your request here.
Have Questions?
Telephone: 919.856.6424
Address: Wake County, Solid Waste Management Division, P.O. Box 550, Raleigh, NC 27602
Director: John W. Roberson,  PE