Purdue Wine Grape Team Newsletter

Hello Wine Friends,
There is still time to register for our Fall Workshop on Thursday, October 6 at Purdue University.  This year's Fall Workshop is designed for  novice and seasoned wine growers and makers alike, and will provide an update on the most proficient production practices in the vineyard and winery. We will discuss topics ranging from sustainable post-harvest vineyard management to economical wine stabilization and aging practices. Participants will stop by the team's pilot winery to discuss winemaking equipment, visit the enology lab to review must and wine analyses, and tour our research vineyard.   You should plan to arrive at the Purdue Meigs Farm at 9:00am EST for registration, coffee and donuts.  A shuttle bus will provide round-trip transportation from Meigs to the West Lafayette Purdue campus.  Lunch will be provided.  Dress casual and bring a bottle of wine to share.  

Hope to see you there!

Save the Date!   
January 10-12, 2017  
Plan to attend the  Indiana Hort Congress .
**New Location - Indianapolis Marriott East**


Christian Butzke

Jill Blume

Bruce Bordelon