Daily Affirmation 
Feel free to share this affirmation from
A Course in Miracles with family & friends

"Now do we come to Him with
but His Word upon our minds and hearts,
and wait for Him to take the step to us
that He has told us, through His Voice,
He would not fail to take
when we invited Him.

He has not left His Son in all his madness,
nor betrayed his trust in Him.

Now is the time of prophecy fulfilled.

Now are all ancient promises
upheld and fully kept.

Father, we give these holy times to You,
in gratitude to Him Who taught us
how to leave the world of sorrow
in exchange for its replacement,
given us by You.

We look not backward now.

We look ahead,
and fix our eyes upon
the journey's end.

And now we wait in silence,
unafraid and certain of Your coming.

In this certainty,
we undertake these last few steps to You,
and rest in confidence upon Your Love,
which will not fail
the Son who calls to You."
ACIM Ch.13.IX Excerpts 
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