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October 2016
The Great Balancing Act
Welcome fall and all its beauty.  The gold and red leaves against a stunning Colorado blue sky, summon the feeling of change. With fall, we surrender the chaos of summer and settle into routine and finding a sense of balance.  This balance demonstrated with the fall equinox, one of two days each year where the world experiences equal parts day and night, each 12 hours. The perfect balance.

When our lives are in balance we can feel calm, grounded, clear-headed, and motivated. Who doesn't want that!  Often, the pressures of work, relationships and life, pull us out of alignment where we are spending too much time and energy in one area and neglecting others. Has work taken over your workout? Have groceries and laundry replaced time with friends or a good book? When will you ever finish that degree? Exhaustion, frustration and depressed feelings can set in.  If this sounds familiar it is time to realign.
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Employee Spotlight!  Introducing...
What brought you to Jefferson Center?
When I moved back to Colorado in 2006, I began working at Jefferson Center as a Trauma Clinician.  I later began doing suicide prevention work, and got involved with our Trauma Informed Care initiative. I am now the Manager of Trauma Services and Suicide Prevention and I love the work that I do!

Trauma and suicide are hard subjects to talk about, how do you approach these topics in a comforting way? 
I think it's important to focus on the very personal connection people have to these difficult subjects - what has happened to them, how they have been affected, what meaning they've derived from their experience? It is an honor and a privilege for someone to share some of the most difficult aspects of their lives with me.  

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?
Well...do you mean what do I do on weekends or what do I wish I could do on weekends? 
I am part of a very busy and active family. So on the weekends there is skiing, soccer, lacrosse, volleyball, basketball, running, hiking, swimming, and playing at parks and getting together with friends. I do love to watch movies at home, read and have quiet time to myself whenever I can, and I am definitely known to read a trashy magazine on occasion!

We are so grateful for Heather and all she does for our organization, clients, staff and community!
Just the Facts:  What is Depression?
More than just feeling sad or going through a rough patch, depression is a serious mental health condition that requires understanding, treatment and a good recovery plan.  With early detection, diagnosis and an effective treatment plan, many people do get better.  But if left untreated, depression can be devastating not only for people who have it, but for their families as well.
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LAUNCH Together Blasts Off
Jefferson Center was recently awarded one of four statewide LAUNCH Together grants aimed at promoting the emotional health and well-being of children and families in Jefferson County.  LAUNCH stands for "Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children's Health" and it is a four-year  grant to expand evidence-based prevention and education practices and enhance community coordination.  In the first phase of the grant, Jefferson Center worked with its grant partners to assess current services and needs. The result is a strategic plan to improve health outcomes for children ages 0-3 in five areas:

  • enhanced home visiting
  • screening and assessment
  • integration of behavioral health into primary care
  • mental health consultation in early care and education settings
  • family strengthening and parent skills training 
The $11.2M, multi-phase LAUNCH Together effort is possible thanks to eight Colorado-based funders -- Ben and Lucy Ana Fund of the Walton Family Foundation; Buell Foundation; Caring for Colorado Foundation; The Colorado Health Foundation; Community First Foundation; The Piton Foundation at Gary Community Investments; and Rose Community Foundation. Early Milestones Colorado is serving as the lead agency.

This award is due to the incredible collaborative work of our partners: Jefferson County Public Health, Triad Early Childhood Council, Jefferson County Human Services, Lakewood Head Start, Jeffco Public Schools, Metro Community Providers Network  , and Developmental Disabilities Resource Center. LAUNCH Together is indeed a community effort, sure to have long-term impact.

For more information, visit www.launchtogethercolorado.org

Support Jefferson Center on Colorado Gives Day!
Donations can be scheduled beginning November 1st

Colorado's largest one-day online giving event is coming up and we need your support.

On Tuesday, December 6, thousands of donors will come together to support Colorado nonprofits like ours. Last year, a record-breaking $28.4 million was raised for Colorado nonprofits. Our portion was over $15,000 and this year we want to exceed that amount!

Every nonprofit receiving a donation on Colorado Gives Day receives a portion of the $1 Million Incentive Fund, which increases the value of every dollar donated. Your scheduled gifts count toward our total, too!

Check out our donation page on ColoradoGives.org  and mark your calendar to give beginning November 1st! Your support helps us provide programs and services, inspire hope, improve lives, and strengthen our community.

Message from a Board Member
Helen Peoples
Sixteen years ago, my daughter was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.  She first went to the doctor, then was referred to a psychiatrist, then on to a psychologist.  On top of being passed from one doctor to another, we struggled with insurance companies who refused coverage if a family member had mental health issues.  I began researching bipolar disorder and mental health issues, becoming somewhat of a "research queen".  My research revealed one common thread - some real reforms for mental health issues were badly needed.

My involvement with Jefferson Center began nine years ago.  I became acquainted with Kathy Hartman who at that time was a Jefferson County Commissioner.  As we got to know each other, the topic of a mental health community panel came up in one of our conversations. I told her I was interested in serving on that panel given my family's experience with mental health issues and the research I had done.  She went one better and recommended my appointment to the Board of Directors for Jefferson Center!

The best part of serving on this board is knowing that all opinions are valued and that input is welcome from every possible source.  The board is made up of a diverse group of people from many walks of life, including clients and family members.  My hope is that we continue to get the message out that good mental health is good physical health - one overlaps the other and one affects the other.  This is my hope not only for Jefferson Center, but across Jefferson County and the entire nation.
Helen has been a devoted wife and mother her entire adult life and was married to her childhood sweetheart for 40 years.  She is now learning how to embrace being a widow and says perseverance is what has gotten her through the tough times.  She has been involved in the community for many years, including serving as a Girl Scout leader for 12 years.  She is currently caring for her 94 year old father and together they love "everything Irish".

Jefferson Center for Mental Health | 303-425-0300 | [email protected]| www.jcmh.org