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Leadership Development for Legal & Financial NGO

WORKING WITH a non-governmental legal and financial regulatory body, LeaderShape delivered a programme preparing 12 participants for higher office, taking into account the need to propagate and maintain the desired culture, despite significant diluting factors.

A rapidly expanding and changing internal environment meant three new CEOs over the duration of the programme plus implementation of a new strategic plan. Personnel with prime responsibility for the programme also changed. There was therefore no consistent senior level sponsorship, integration with OD policy or personal development plans and a lack of involvement by line managers.
Despite this complexity, the programme was received exceptionally well.

Find out about our journey to achieving success by reading our case study here.
J oin our powerful LinkedIn group and comment on what you are reading and how it applies in your organisation here .   
FOLLOWING THE RELEASE of the Italian Language edition of Leadership Assessment for Talent Development  LeaderShape Chairman, John Knights, will feature at the Coaching Expo 2016 - in Rome 21-22 Oct, Centro Congressi Frentani . His  presentation is planned for the Friday opening day, from 10.00am to 10.50am. 
You can see a  schedule of events here and a review of the publication in Italian - click the Translate button for an English option!
LEADERSHAPE GLOBAL IS SUPPORTING the local community by donating 10% of any fees received from work commissioned or referred by members of the Oxfordshire Community Foundation's (OCF)  responsible business group, Reciprocate.   LeaderShape is also offering a FREE o ne-day MasterClass for senior leaders of Reciprocate member companies. Find out more here.

Women, Naturally Better Leaders for the 21st Century?

THE SECOND White Paper in our series on Transpersonal Leadership looks at the reasons why we have a confluence of  women playing a greater role on the world stage in the workplace . It also covers the reasons behind some of the cultural barriers that hitherto have kept them from achieving parity at the most senior levels. 

Here's another chance to engage with the paper .. and we look forward to sharing the excellent feedback we've received on this challenging topic. 

LeaderShape Global is a UK-based organisation with a 
global culture  that operates without borders.

Take a look at the range of our globally and nationally based clients here
Or please pass this newsletter on to colleagues who may benefit from our leadership development work.

Greg Young, 
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