Email Newsletter October 1st , 2016
Saint Matthias Catholic Parish is committed to continuing the ministry of Jesus the Christ.  We invite and welcome all no matter what your race, language, or creed, no matter what your orientation or marriage situation, no matter where your journey has led you.  Come; live, grow and be challenged by the message, through prayer, formation, and service. 

St. Matthias Parish Schedule
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am

Week Day Mass Schedule
Monday: 8:00 AM
Mass - Parish Center Chapel
Tuesday: 8:00 AM
Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion -
Parish Center Chapel
Wednesday: 8:00 AM
Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion -
Parish Center Chapel
Thursday: 8:15 AM
All School Mass - Church (Please check the weekly bulletin)
Friday: 8:00 AM
Mass - Parish Center Chapel

Christian Formation Registration
Now Open!
Registration is now open for all students in between ages K4 - 12th grade. You can sign up at the parish office or download the online form, or register completely online.

The Saint Clare Center provides formation for lay people who feel called to learn more so that they can share more actively in the mission of the church.
Renew your spirit.
Come to one of these programs offered by Cardinal Stritch University's Saint Clare Center for Catholic Life.
  • Come to Cardinal Stritch University on Saturday, October 1 for a Morning of Reflection entitled "Instruments of Peace."  Come learn more about St. Francis and reflect on how his example can guide us. How can we too be more fully formed as instruments of peace and goodness? For more information, go to .
If you have questions about either event, you can call Michael Taylor at 414-410-4353.

Share a story with Us
about your experience with
 St Matthias!
Do you have a story that you would like to share with your fellow Parishioners?  We would love to hear it.
Do you work on a Committee or in a Ministry?  Let us know something about it.  Tell us what your group is doing and what kind of help you need.  I'm sure that more people would like to work with you, if they knew what you do and how to join in with you.
Do you write as a hobby, join in with us and help putting this Email letter together.  Or just write a story and send it in to us.
Do you take pictures of Parish events?  Share them with the rest of the Parish by sending them to us with a description of the activity.
Do you have a question that is bugging you?  Send it into us and we'll try to find an answer for you and the other Parishioners who have the same questions?
Contact us at:   [email protected] 
Health Corner
F.A.S.T. is an easy way to remember the sudden signs of stroke. When you can spot the signs, you'll know that you need to call 9-1-1 for help right away. F.A.S.T. is:   
Can video games teach you about God?
Join CIA Youth Group as we watch the movie "Wreck-It Ralph" and learn what video games have to teach us about God.

Saturday October 14th, 2016
5:00-7:00pm, Youth Room ,62 Building
Event is free and welcome to anyone in high school.

Sister Parish Committee
In Mexico our Catholic Priests are being attacked and need our Prayers.  Please keep them in your Prayers, especially our sister Parish Santa Maria de los Angeles in Arambarri, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

Would also be an excellent idea to keep the World Church in your prayers as well.

Our Sister Parish
An article in the "Catholic News Agency" give you more information at this link:
  Scripture Readings
October 1st through October 15th, 2016
Merciful like the Father

In the Year of Mercy, every Christian family can become a privileged place on this pilgrimage for experiencing the joy of forgiveness. Forgiveness is the essence of the love which can understand mistakes and mend them.

September 28 - November 6, 2016
On Wednesday, September 28 - the largest worldwide pro-life mobilization in history kicked off: the UNITED 40 Days for Life campaign and tour!

Support us when you shop for back-to-school items.
#StartWithaSmile at
and Amazon donates to St. Matthias.

From the Respect Life Ministry
"Every human embryologist in the world knows that the life of the new individual human being begins at fertilization. It is not belief. It is scientific fact."

Ward Kischer, Ph.D, Human Embryologist ,
University of Arizona
Twenty-fifth Sunday 
in Ordinary Time
Weekend of September 17/18, 2016

In Jesus' parable of the Unjust Steward, we encounter a financial manager who has wasted his master's wealth and faces dismissal from his position. To overcome the crisis confronting him, the steward reduces some very considerable debts owed by poor neighbors to his master in order to help them out. Though the steward has sinned against God and his master by squandering what belongs to someone else, both the prudent way in which he goes about resolving the crisis coupled with relieving people who are in need can be seen as a way to better steward the gifts entrusted to us by God. Although good stewards today acknowledge that they may never use their God-given gifts in a way that completely conforms to the demands of the Gospel, a commitment to using their gifts with prudence and for the purpose of helping their neighbors wins God's favor.

Stewardship Committee

SCRIP is fundraising while you SHOP 

Use scrip gift cards at your favorite retailers and earn rebate money for St. Matthias School.  Remaining rebates can be applied toward St. Matthias or another parochial school's tuition, Christian Formation fees, a charitable contribution to the school or as cash back.  Click the button below to view details about the program.
Click on link: Scrip
Contact our coordinators 


St. Matthias Parish is excited to participate in a new third source funding initiative.  Amazon has created Smile Amazon. This is through and it allows the purchaser to choose a non-profit group which will receive 0.5% of all your purchases. The way this works is that you can log in to Smile Amazon ( just as you would for Amazon.  All your services, such as Prime, will carry over to Smile Amazon. You will choose your non-profit benefactor, St. Matthias Congregation.  Then use Smile Amazon as you would  Every time you make a purchase, 0.5% of that purchase will be donated to St. Matthias Congregation.

Thank you for your continued support of our parish

It is now easier than ever before to give to St. Matthias, use the We Share link to give online.