Quinte Immigration Services has launched a new pilot project to help interested Syrian refugees grow their skill set so they can enter and support the province's agriculture industry.
Not only will the project help new Canadians find meaningful employment, but it will also help contribute to an industry where there's a demand for workers.
"This program represents part of our community's welcome to the refugee families settling in our region," Liv Pureveen, Farmers Feed the World Project Coordinator, tells us. "It acknowledges and values their agricultural background in Syria and provides opportunities for these newcomers to become active in our local economy."
The Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance is hosting a
Lunch & Learn at Queen's Park
on October 5th to celebrate Ontario Agriculture Week, inviting MPPs and Queen's Park staff to learn about and discuss some important topics in food and farming in the province.
We are excited to host 3 incredible speakers for this year's Lunch & Learn:
Patricia Thompson, Director Sales & Marketing, King Cole Ducks;
Jen Christie,
Territory Manager, John Deere Canada; and Carl Loewith, Co-owner, Summitholm Holsteins, Dairy Farmer.
The City of Hamilton's Economic Development Division has partnered with Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium's (EMC) Food, Beverage and Bio Sector Initiative to bring Food and Beverage sector companies a free seminar on October 20th: First Steps in Exporting for the Food Sector.
This unique event is designed to make those in the food and beverage sector aware of the many great resources and collaborations that can lead to exporting success.
The seminar will provide information on key government programs, services and resources available to new and potential exporters.
Registration is now open for the
8th Annual Municipal Agriculture Economic Development Forum on
November 2nd & 3rd, hosted by the Town of Caledon and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, with support from Foodland Ontario and the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance.
The Forum is a unique opportunity for those involved in municipal and local economic development that have agriculture and food in their portfolio (farming, food processing, agri-tourism, bio-fuel) to network, share successes, and learn more about programs targeted to the agricultural sector.
The Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance received $100,000 funding from the Greenbelt Fund's
Local Food Investment Fund to increase municipal local food procurement in Golden Horseshoe Municipalities.
Specifically, to work with municipal partners to increase the procurement of locally-sourced food in long-term care facilities in the Region of Durham, the Region of Halton, and the City of Hamilton, and in Regional office cafeterias in York and Durham.
Soni Craik Christie, Project Manager,
presented an update at the Alliance meeting held earlier this week, and we are excited to see the project coming into full swing.
The Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation released a report last year,
Greenbelt Farmers: Sowing the Seeds of Success
, highlighting entrepreneurial and innovative farm operators that are managing their farms in a way that is translating into great financial success.
As the report explains, offering examples of successes and best practices can be quite helpful to the agriculture and agri-food sector, as well as to help planners and policy makers have a better understanding of farm operations.
Sowing the Seeds of Success features 9 Ontario farms. We began to highlight these success stories in a newsletter at the beginning of this year; this month, we are looking at
Carncroft Farms in Durham Region:
By working collaboratively and sharing insights and equipment with other producers, the Carnaghans expanded from their own herd of 150 ewes to an impressive 700 ewe operation, collaborating with two other partners.
The report reads: "The Carnaghans credit their success of their relatively young business to their pursuit of further education and business skills, and the networking and mentoring of nearby farmers."