
September 2016

SVCC Spotlights Alumni

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t o read more about SVCC alumni.
Recent Spotlights include:

Dorothea Sizemore

Felicia & Davida Jackson

Kandy Freeman
Save the Date
The Southside Virginia Community College Chorus will perform Holiday Concerts featuring a string quartet:

Clarksville Baptist Church
7:00 p.m. Saturday, December 3 

South Hill Presbyterian Church
7:00p.m. Sunday,
December 4
Kudos to Maki Malone, Misty Smiley and Chad Patton for cooking breakfast for hard working dual-enrollment students at Lake Country Advanced Knowledge Center

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Chancellor Visits SVCC
Dr. Glenn DuBois, Chancellor of the Virginia Community College System, recently began a statewide listening tour of best practices related to student success.   He stopped by Southside Virginia Community College on September 13, 2016 to learn more about one of the college's successful programs, Make It Happen, as well as facilitate a discussion around barriers to student success within the community college system.  He is pictured above with Make It Happen member, Andre Harrell.
2016-17 Honors Students
Established to academically stimulate and challenge superior students who have grade point averages of 3.5 or higher and outstanding leadership potential, the SVCC Honors Program admitted nine students this semester. They are: (pictured)Thomas Crews, Nottoway; Elizabeth Barlow, Buckingham;  Devonte Stith, Brunswick; Christopher Hayes, Mecklenburg; Cassandra Long, Charlotte;  Jeremy Weltch, Nottoway; Benjamin Harmon, Charlotte; Morgan  Martin , Halifax; and (not pictured) Joshua Davis, Greensville.
SVCC Encourages Welding Certifications
David Braun
Professor of Welding

In the welding industry, welders performing code quality work are required to pass a skill test to prove that he or she has the skill to make a sound weld. These tests are called Welder Qualification Tests, and are typically part of the interview process at many companies that hire welders. The tests are administered in various positions, welding processes, joints and shapes of material. SVCC offers students the opportunity to take both plate and pipe tests while enrolled in welding courses at SVCC.  
19 Graduate Power Line Worker Program

Southside Virginia Community College recently graduated 19 members of the second class of the Power Line Worker Program. Those who completed the 11-week program earned Level 1 certification from the NCCER (National Center for Construction Education & Research), commercial driver's licenses, first aid & CPR certification, core safety training mandated by the department of Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), and VDOT Basic Work Zone Traffic Control Certification.  
Tactical Teams Train on Campus

Making use of SVCC's training/burn house, members of the Mecklenburg Tactical Team and the Brunswick County Sheriff Office's Tactical Team recently trained on the Christanna Campus in Alberta.
A group from the Mecklenburg team is shown here in an exercise on making building entries.

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