Church of the Epiphany eNews
Our Mission:"We welcome all for Christian worship, fellowship, and service, trusting God to transform our lives and the world."

in this issue

Broadway Musical Series: Wicked

This Sunday

Sunday Adult Forums in October

Canceled: Oct. 1st, Hiking and Holy Eucharist

Community Coffee Hour

New Vestry Member

Open Choir Night

Blessing of the Animals

One-Time Volunteer Outreach Opportunity

Next Sunday


Broadway Musical Series: Wicked

Pssst . . . Phil's starting his Broadway series again this month and I hear the first show is going to be Wicked! Join us TONIGHT at 7 p.m. for a wicked good time. As always, we ask that you bring goodies to share with the group.

Becoming a People and following a God of---Creativity, Compassion & Connection.

Sermons Online

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Dear Epiphany,

We are now in the final six weeks before our Presidential Election after what has been one of the most difficult seasons politically and socially. There are ways it has torn the fabric of some of our personal relationships, brought us to places of fear and made hope seem hard to find at times. Yet, we are precisely a people of faith who take the long view that the world is always held in the hand of God. Our Old Testament reading for Sunday is from the prophet Habbakuk who pleads with God on behalf of his people living through a similar sort of time. He laments the violence and injustice of his current day. The Lord responds to him urging patience to wait for God's vision for a day of peace and justice. If hope seems to tarry, wait for it. If reconciliation and justice seem far off, wait for them. Do not live by the pride of your own strength, says the Lord, but by the humility and generosity of faith.

O Lord, how long shall I cry for help,
and you will not listen?
     Or cry to you "Violence!"
     and you will not save?
     Why do you make me see wrong-doing
     and look at trouble?
     Destruction and violence are before me;
     strife and contention arise.
     So the law becomes slack
     and justice never prevails.
     The wicked surround the righteous--
     therefore judgment comes forth perverted.

     I will stand at my watchpost,
     and station myself on the rampart;
     I will keep watch to see what the LORD will say to me,
     and what he will answer concerning my complaint.
     Then the Lord answered me and said:
     Write the vision;
     make it plain on tablets,
     so that a runner may read it.
     For there is still a vision for the appointed time;
     it speaks of the end, and does not lie.
     If it seems to tarry, wait for it;
     it will surely come, it will not delay.
     Look at the proud!
     Their spirit is not right in them,
     but the righteous live by their faith.
          ~ Habbakuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4


As a congregation, we will join with other Episcopal churches across the country and observe "A Season of Prayer: For the Election" sponsored by Forward Movement (the Episcopal publishing house of the Forward Day by Day meditation books). It will be 30 days of prayer on behalf of our nation, its leaders and the world beginning October 9 - November 8. We'll provide weekly bulletin inserts of the daily prayers from our Book of Common Prayer as well as post them daily on our Facebook page for all to follow.

No matter how this election has touched your life or preoccupied your soul, remember that in our Anglican tradition, we gather as one Body, united by our common identity as children of God, not divided by our differences. True to our tradition, we pray together first. Jesus lived in the public square and among the concerns of his day, so we are called to common prayer for the good of the world, especially during these next several weeks. Please join together in prayer on Sundays and in your daily devotions. And know that I am available at any time by email or phone to visit and talk with you about these issues.

May the peace of the Lord be always with you,
Rev'd Jen

  • This Sunday
  • The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
    October 2, 2016

    8 & 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
    Sermon: The Rev'd Jennifer Zogg

    Scripture readings:
    Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4
    Psalm 37:1-10
    2 Timothy 1:1-14
    Luke 17:5-10
    Read these lessons

    Liturgical Ministers for this Sunday:

    8 a.m. Holy Eucharist
    Altar Server-Judy Phillips
    Lector-Fran Motroni
    Ushers-Neal Harrington & Isabella Strange
    Greeter-John Guild
    Healing Prayer Team-Susan Mason
    Coffee Hour-Community Coffee Hour

    10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
    Altar Servers-Christopher Utter
    Lector-Christopher Utter
    Ushers-George & Carol Nunes
    Greeters-Kristin Chase
    Healing Prayer Team-Virginia Rocha
    Coffee Hour-Community Coffee Hour
    Altar Guild-Susan Bergstrand & Karen Turner
    Communion Bread -Karen & Gabby Virtue
    Counters-Maurice Holmes & Gladys Murino
    Lawn Mowers-Charlie & Helen Bodell

  • Sunday Adult Forums in October
  •    

    • October 2: Animate Videos and Conversation: Christian scholars and current pastors offer creative 10 minute video presentations on various topics of faith in daily life followed by group discussion. Led by Tom Dee.
    • October 9 & 16: Unraveling St. Paul's Letters - Building Community in Christ. Have you ever wondered what exactly St. Paul was talking about when he wrote to the Corinthians or the Philippians or the Ephesians? Paul's work was focused on building a Christian community out of diverse people with different ways of daily living (Jews, Gentiles, rich and poor). He is often blamed with negative and unpopular comments about women, slavery, homosexuality and more. We will attempt to unravel his challenging popular image and discover why his letters are sacred Scripture and what they still have to teach us about being a community with diverse backgrounds, habits and experiences united in Christ.
    • October 23: No Adult Forum
    • Oct. 30 & Nov. 1: Celtic Saints As we mark the Sundays around All Saints Day, we'll dive more deeply into the legacy of some popular Celtic saints considering how their lives continue to show us Christ to this day. We'll build upon last year's themes of Celtic Christianity and thin places.

  • Canceled: Oct. 1st, Hiking and Holy Eucharist
  • Canceled: Hiking and Holy Eucharist with Dog Blessing, October 1 - Unfortunately, it will not be possible to hold our planned hike this year given the Rector's current physical limitations. Look forward to resuming this new tradition next year! So bring your dog to the Blessing of the Animals at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, October 9.

  • Community Coffee Hour
  • This Sunday, the First Sunday of the month, we will have Community Coffee Hours. This will help us extend our schedule of teams and it will involve everyone in the community in a ministry of hospitality. Anyone may bring something to share, if they'd like. If you have time prior to worship, please stop by the kitchen and start the coffee and put out creamer, and juice if there is some available. If nothing is brought there will be just coffee served.

  • New Vestry Member
  • The Vestry is very pleased to announce that Sally Erskine has accepted our nomination to fill the open Vestry position, left by Gabe Giella, for the next 16 months. We are delighted to have her years of experience, wisdom and deeply faithful voice. We will commission her for her new role at the 8 a.m. service on October 9. Thank you, Sally, for saying yes!

  • Open Choir Night
  • Come, let us Sing to the Lord! Let us shout for joy to the Rock of our Salvation!
    Psalm 95

    You are invited to a joyous and relaxed Open Choir Night in the Church Sanctuary, Thursday, October 6, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., followed by light refreshments.

    There are so many invitations in the scriptures to Praise God in Song. Mary Therese has a fun evening planned to help you see that God in us is a music maker! Come along and discover what you can do when you Sing to the Lord!

  • Blessing of the Animals
  • Sunday, October 9, in celebration of St. Francis of Assisi, you're invited to bring your pet or a photo of your pet to the 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist for a blessing. Please bring your pets on a leash or in a carrier. The 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist will remain "pet-free."

  • One-Time Volunteer Outreach Opportunity
  • Dorcas International Institute is looking for a few volunteers to work together for about four hours to put books in order in their resource room. Since their merger with International Institute, this room has needed serious reorganizing. The group could go any day of the week during their hours of operation:

    Monday - Thursday - 9 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
    Friday - 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
    Saturday - 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

    For this particular project, teens are welcome. This could easily become a family project for those that are interested. If interested, see Maurice Holmes: 401-433-3192 or [email protected]

  • Next Sunday
  • The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
    October 9, 2016

    8 a.m. Holy Eucharist
    10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist &
                       Blessing of the Animals

    Sermon: The Rev'd Jennifer Zogg

    Scripture readings:
    2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c
    Psalm 111
    2 Timothy 2:8-15
    Luke 17:11-19
    Read these lessons

    Liturgical Ministers for next Sunday:

    8 a.m. Holy Eucharist
    Altar Server-John Turner
    Lector-Sally Erskine
    Ushers-Bill & Kristin Chase
    Greeter-Betsy Kelley
    Healing Prayer Team-Janice Johnson
    Coffee Hour-Judy Phillips & Sally Erskine

    10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
    Altar Servers-Theresa Mello, Gabby Virtue & Bridget Dee
    Lector-Carol Marsland
    Ushers-The Pilato Family
    Greeters-Beth & Bill Dench
    Healing Prayer Team-Denise Messier & Carol Marsland
    Coffee Hour-The Haggerty & Dee Families
    Altar Guild-Cal Loven & Marie Burden
    Communion Bread -Nancy Leggat & Carol Robitaillie
    Counters-Kevin Kelley & Toppy Carlson
    Lawn Mowers-The Brown Family

    :: (401) 434-5012