September 2016

Leading differently:
Three steps to transformation  
FTE's Stephen Lewis writes on facing reality, risking failure, and centering on vocation. Read more.

W hat works? Three lessons for seminary governance
Governance guru Barbara Wheeler shares lessons learned from case studies. Read more.

Each ATS accreditor brings something different to the table . . . even cookies!
The "baker," the "poet," the "dancer," and the "builder" emerged at a recent ATS workshop to present topics associated with the self-study process. Read more.
Imagining abundance 
Kerry Robinson, author of Imagining Abundance: Fundraising, Philanthropy, and a Spiritual Call to Service, tells the story of how Yale raised $75 million for its Catholic Chapel and Center. View the video trailer, 36-minute presentation, and 22-minute Q&A.

FASPE Seminary Fellows program invites applications
Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics offers a multi-faith, fully-funded, two-week summer program that uses the conduct of the clergy and other religious leaders in Nazi Germany as a launching point and backdrop for an intensive study of contemporary ethics. Learn more and apply.

October 19-21

Henry Luce III
Fellows in Theology Conference
November 3-5

School for New Deans
December 12-14

Presidential Leadership Intensive Conference
January 22-25

Academic Officers' Conference
March 16-18
Student Personnel Administrators' Conference
April 5-7

ATS is here to serve you, and we welcome your feedback.

Please send your comments or updated contact information to

Eliza Smith Brown, Director, Communications and External Relations.