KCL Insights
October 3, 2016
Dear Clients and  Friends,
This email contains blog postings and news items from KCL. Please let us know if you have any questions.

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Amanda Barrera Joins KCL

Please join us in welcoming Amanda Barrera to Kerstein, Coren & Lichtenstein.   Amanda Barrera
An associate with the firm, Amanda assists clients with a variety of legal problems, including state and federal tax, education law, employment and business law. She previously worked as a Junior Tax Counsel at Sovos Compliance, a technology company delivering compliance solutions, and in local government practicing special education law.

Amanda received her J.D. from The Ohio State University, Mortiz College of Law and her B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley.


Recent KCL News

September 22 marked the first day of Fall and a successful end to theSpring/Summer 2016 medical license season for all of  Andrew Hyams ' clients who applied for licenses. Read more about Attorney Hyams' suggestions for overcoming the Board's objections. 

Can one party to a contract compel a non-signatory party to arbitrate a contract dispute under Massachusetts' law?

KCL attorney  E. Steven Coren  successfully argued that KCL's client was entitled to termination of his alimony obligation after paying 19 years of alimony under the new Alimony Reform Act. The case was heard and decided in the Worcester Probate and Family Court under G.L. c. 208, §§ 48 and 49. The Court fully adopted KCL's argument in its Order.

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