September 28, 2016
Admission Update
OPEN TODAY: Book a school tour, or visit us at Open House

We've now opened our online tour booking system so you can book a Student Ambassador-led tour of the Prep School or the Upper School on Monday, Wednesday or Friday afternoons beginning in October. We also welcome you to join us this October 26 or 27 for Upper Canada College's Annual Open House. Our Open House is a full two-hour program that includes an admission presentation, a brief tour of the school, and the opportunity to meet and chat with faculty and staff. Dates and times are as follows:

Wednesday, Oct. 26
9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 27
9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

TONIGHT: Admission Matters event featuring eight single-sex schools

If you are interested in learning more about single-sex education and the admission process at Toronto's leading single-sex schools, join us at tonight's presentation of Admission Matters. This annual information evening is co-presented by eight different schools (including UCC), this year hosted by Crescent School at  2365 Bayview Ave. The event  provides a valuable opportunity to hear representatives from each institution elaborate on the benefits of single-sex schools, dispel myths that may exist about independent schools and ensure that families have accurate information around the process of applying to these schools.

Early bird application deadline: Friday, Nov. 4

There is  a $50 savings on the application fee if you submit your admission application before November 4. There are many other advantages to applying early -- the sooner we receive applications, the sooner we can review and schedule interviews and the more time you'll have to determine if UCC is the right fit for your family. To take advantage of these early bird benefits, submit your application form now.
Campus Connection
Community rallies to celebrate Terry Fox

For 36 years, UCC has hosted the annual Terry Fox Run, the second-largest such run in Toronto and the third-largest in Ontario. This year the event attracted 1,800 participants who raised $135,000. Students also participated in a school run to show their support.

Cookie's retiring, and UCC's new mascot is...

After 20 years of spirit mongering, UCC's "Cookie" mascot is retiring and voting is underway on the five nominees that have been shortlisted to replace him. Will it be Brix the Bull, Ice the Husky, Cobalt the Tiger, Mooster Blue or Blue Army Man?

Battle of the Blues fierce but friendly football game

Battle of the Blues is back! After winning last year's inaugural match, UCC's Varsity Blues will once again taken on rivals St. Mike's in a fierce but friendly football event at U of T's Varsity Stadium on Friday, Oct. 14. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students.

Upper Canada College | Office of Admission | 416-488-1125 ext. 4123