"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you 
plans to give you a hope and a future"
Raising Godly leaders for a country in need
August 2016
"You are the light of the world-like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:14
We teach our children from the time that they become sponsored that we are Christ's Ambassadors and we are to be a light to the world. I am excited to see that many of our children have grown up and follow the Lord and are definitely bright lights to others in such a dark world that is filled with hopelessness. Often people tend to complain about people they live with or work with, or blame others for bad things that happen. We fail to respond with Christ-likeness and allow God's Spirit to be in control. When we finally let go and let it stop bothering us we find a chance to experience God's grace and strength. Hardships make us stronger in Him as long as we walk with the hope that is inside of us from knowing Christ as our Lord and Savior. I love Joseph because he is such a person. He did not dwell on the bad things that happened. I am sure he felt pain in his brothers putting him in a pit and then selling him as a slave to the Egyptians. The plans of the Devil were bad for Joseph, but God's plans were good and God wins! "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28) Joseph later had a chance to say that to his brothers that you meant it for evil but God meant it for good.

Recently I was chatting on Facebook with one of our "daughter's" who grew up in the ministry. She was married earlier this year and now lives in South Korea with her husband where he is studying to be a Pastor. Margaret is struggling as she has an uncle that practices witchcraft and is working against them spiritually as they follow Jesus. I use to think this sounded crazy but, after living in Uganda for 21 years, I realize that it is not. It is very real and the devil uses such things to keep us from shining when we want to. She told me "we are fasting and praying, Momma, for God to protect us." I told her they will have victory because God is always the winner and to stand firm and look to His Word for help. Margaret loves the Lord very much and as an orphan has struggled all her life but made it through vocational studies thanks to a HUM sponsor.  

We had a wedding a few weeks ago for one of our staff members, who is also a "daughter" who grew up in my home. Sarah and Stephen got married on the Aug. 6th and it was a beautiful wedding as well. We are always happy when we see the youth doing the right thing before the Lord. So often in Uganda we see people living together not doing a real marriage and then they just leave one another when problems come. We are seeing our youth growing in the Lord and wanting
to take their vows in the church before God and live a life that is shining before others. We have had around 226 children grow up in the ministry to date and finish their education and most of them are out making a difference thanks to sponsors. Sarah is one of them.
Sarah & Stephen 

Andrew is another one in the ministry that is shining to others. He had a very rough life as he is one of the older siblings in his family and they were looking to him to do something when he finished university with the help of a sponsor. He has a Bachelor's in Environmental Science and had a hard time finding a job. Finally, after volunteering for almost two years with very little pay he was given a position in the company and a very good job. Now he is also getting married this month and just went through the introduction last week. The introduction is where the man pays the dowry for the girl  (cows, goats, chickens, food and more).
Andrew is going to marry a girl from the church named Somali.  Both love the Lord and want to do the right thing before God.

Andrew and Somailia's Introduction 
  I am thankful to God for all the help the sponsors of these children have given
and to the ones that are now sponsoring a new round of children. I look forward  to seeing some of you as I come to the states next month. I ask for your prayers  for me and the work the Lord is doing through me and all the people He has brought to work in this ministry. God bless you, Katherine

Hines Ugandan Ministries |  

Katherine@hineskids.org http://www.hineskids.org 

P.O. Box 620727,  Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa
C lick here to donate online

 Donate Now  

text HUM to 41444

See Katherine this Fall

Katherine will be in the U.S. this fall to visit some of you and complete her annual ad-
ministrative work. Check out her schedule and see if she'll be in your area. She always enjoys seeing you all. She has time for a few individual visits if you want to contact Cindy in advance, but that time is limited so we hope you can make the time to see her at one of her events if she will be in your area.
Sept. 22-26 Charlotte, NC.
Oct. 1-2 Warren Road Church, Detroit MI
Oct. 5 1st United Pres. Men's morning study
           Belleville, IL
Oct. 8 Christ Church food packing event
             Fairview Heights, IL
Oct. 9 Christ Church morning services
             Melanie & Cindy at 1st United Pres.
Oct. 12-20 Denver, CO
Oct. 14 Night to Honor Africa - Denver, CO
             View and purchase unique art by Vera Anderson of HUM and African culture. Come visit with Katherine and get a copy of her new book, signed if you would like, or see what's new from our Kamonkoli Kraft Center. Watch for details.
Oct. 21-23 Church on the Hill, Montrose, CO - Sunday services
Oct. 25-29 Phoenix & Tucson, AZ
Oct. 29- Nov. 9 Dallas & Tyler, TX
Oct. 30 Hunters Glen Church
Nov. 4 Mocktail Party, Dallas
Nov. 5 Mocktail Party, Tyler
Nov. 9-22 Denver, CO
Nov. 12  9a-noon Visit & Book Signing at  
               Wystones Tea- Belmar, Lakewood, CO 

Margaret and Isaac 

Thanks to those who have purchased Katherine's book already. We pray that you were blessed by it. Even though you may have ordered it from us (which helps us more than purchasing it on Amazon) it will help us if you can write a review of the book on Amazon. Thank You    



Write Your  
Sponsored Child

You may write your child electronically at our website or you may send a letter to our Uganda address.  Small , inexpensive bubble envelope packages may be sent to our field address.  Please do not send packages to our U.S. office as we  are not generally able to get these items to the field.  Never send money to the field address.



Delivery of the Dowry