"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you 
plans to give you a hope and a future"
Raising Godly leaders for a country in need
July 2016
They Call Me Momma Katherine
Katherine Hines
Available NOW at www.hineskids.org
Or text HUM to 41444
When William Carey opened the modern missionary movement in 1793, he said to his supporters, "I will go down into the well; you hold on to the ropes for me."

In 1994, Katherine Hines left a successful career in America and descended into the well of poverty and deprivation in rural Uganda. She embraced the children, worked to heal their broken hearts and fill their lives with both daily bread and everlasting bread.

This book will lower you down "into the well" where you can see the needs, hear the voices, and feel the heartbeats of these innocent ones.  You'll see how one population of children have been transformed into beautiful and productive young adults, who are a credit to their nation and a testament to the power of Christ.
Pastor Jim Walters
Retired Pastor of
Bear Valley Baptist Church
Lakewood, CO
Katherine will  have books with her when she visits our supporting churches this fall and will be happy to sign books there as well as at some signing events, including one in the Denver area on Oct. 14. At this event you will also have an opportunity to see and purchase art work by Vera Anderson who visited us in January and items from our craft center in Uganda.

One of my favorite parts of every week is driving down the dusty dirt road of Kamonkoli on Saturday mornings and waving to group after group of children who are walking to AWANA. They grin, wave, and shout my name, and their happy excitement and anticipation of the day fills me with joy and anticipation too. I love seeing them so eager to come! On a typical Saturday morning we usually have about 300 or so kids that we divide up into appropriate age groups to play games, sing praises to Jesus, and learn and memorize God's Word. 

Each age group has their own book of verses published by AWANA International that they work to memorize and recite to their leaders. Because many of them struggle to speak and read in English, the teachers work very hard to help them not only memorize the words, but also understand what the verse means. Many of the kids really value the chance to learn and practice their English more at AWANA. 
Throughout the year, we are often blessed with visiting teams from around the US.  On the weeks they come help at AWANA, we can expect booming attendance! Kids from not only Kamonkoli, but also all the surrounding villages come to participate. They've come to expect and know that the presence of visitors also means special programs, crafts, and
sometimes gifts. On the days we have over 1,000 kids, things can be a bit chaotic, but the children always have a lot of fun and hear the Gospel and truth of God's Word too! 
One of the teams that came this year told the story of the good shepherd who cared so well for his sheep and protected them from the attacks of lions, bears and wolves. The team had even brought masks of the different animals and had the children act out the story to help themvisualize and understand better. All of the kids absolutely loved it!! It was so much fun to watch their eyes light up, faces break out in smiles, and hear the peals of laughter all across the room. I'm pretty sure they will never forget the image of that shepherd and his flock! I pray they will also never forget just how much the Lord, their Good Shepherd, loves and cares for them also.

As we continue laboring to help these children internalize God's Word, we would ask you to continue standing with us in prayer! Each of the leaders needs Jesus' own wisdom and creativity to help each of their classes truly understand and remember the verses they study. We also are ever in need of more helping hands to better handle the vast numbers of children that can show up. Though our 15 regular leaders are doing a remarkable job even now, we would so love the Lord to provide more willing and faithful leaders to help meet the needs of our children. Thank you for continuing to pray and support us!
In the King's Service,

Hines Ugandan Ministries |  

Katherine@hineskids.org http://www.hineskids.org 

P.O. Box 620727,  Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa
C lick here to donate online

 Donate Now  

text HUM to 41444

Do they look like Sisters?  
My beloved sister, Michelle, came to visit me and do an 11 week internship with HUM here in Kamonkoli this summer. This was my first time to experience a close friend or family member coming to visit!  It has really been an incredible time for both of us and I have so enjoyed introducing her to all the people, places and work that I love so dearly. She has been a huge support to me as well as she's assisted me in all my normal activities and responsibilities. My children have
all grown to love their "Teecha Meechelle," and
I know we will all miss her greatly when she
goes back!

This month we got a bit of a scare when one of our sponsored kids, Thomas ran away from home for a couple days. When he didn't come to school at Genesis, our social worker, Rogers, went to his home to investigate. He encouraged Thomas' father to check in the usual places that Thomas regularly visited, and when the father checked a few places the next day, he found Thomas and brought him home. Thomas is now back in school and was able to take his mid-terms at Genesis. We are so glad to have a happy ending for this challenge, but our kids continue to need your prayers for safety and well-being! Please continue to pray for us as we seek to minister to and counsel Thomas, his family, and all of our children at HUM.
Praise God the maintenance needs for the Orphanage homes have all been met. Thank you
to all of you who generously responded. 



Write Your  
Sponsored Child

You may write your child electronically at our website or you may send a letter to our field address.  Small , inexpensive bubble envelope packages may be sent to our field address.  Please do not send packages to our U.S. office as we  are not generally able to get these items to the field.  Never send money to the field address.


IRA Qualified Charitable Contributions
Donors can now direct an IRA account to send the required minimum distribution (RMD) directly to a non-profit charity.  This can help you on taxes as the RMD is not counted as income, so less of your social security is taxable. You, however, will not able to claim your gift as a charity deduction. The benefit can vary with each individual.  Please consult your estate or tax consultant for details. Please contact the HUM Office, if you would like to designate this type of donation.

Mugala by Vera Anderson
Available at our October 14 Event