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Stephanie Rankin

We at DUFF are so excited to announce that our September Client of the Month is...
Stephanie Rankin!
Stephanie, wife, mother of 2 beautiful children, and a pharmaceutical sales rep, came to DUFF a little over a year ago to try to lose the weight after having her second child. Since then, Stephanie is officially back to pre-baby weight (original weight before any children) after her second child. She fully dedicates herself to DUFF and comes to the gym wanting to get her tail kicked! Stephanie is a perfectionist so her form and technique are impeccable! She would rather spend time correcting her form verse trying to speed through her workout. This and her motivation are the reasons for her success! 
We, at DUFF, are so proud of you, Stephanie, and would like to dedicate the month of 
September to you! 

Please join us for special 

DUFF classes on 

Friday, September 23rd

 to celebrate our 

Client of the Month,

Stephanie Rankin!

September 6th
@ 12:00 pm

*Tuesday, September 20th
@ 12:00 pm

Saturday, September 24th
@ 10:00 am

*Tuesday, September 27th
@ 12:00 pm


To purchase tickets go to:   http://www.eventbrite.com/o/duff-8525019313

  * For information on how to become a sponsor, please 
contact DUFF at [email protected] or 843.352.7128 *