A weekly newsletter about letting the workplace speak
Issue 36/Volume 3                www.VisualWorkplace.com                Sept 7, 2016
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Visual Thinking Inc.

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Shingo Manufacturing Summit 
Visual Thinking Briefing
Knoxville, TN
 September 20

Visual Displays 
Glenwood, MN
Oct 3-5
Registration Closed

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Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
Oct 7
Registration Closed  
 Visual Thinking Seminars and Site Assessments 
Querétaro, Mexico 
October 17-22
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Thought for the Week
Visual devices and systems are everywhere. Look at a map of your state. Mark a route from where you are now to the next large city. The route is your critical path. Could you get there without visual devices and systems (which include the map)? At what cost? Would you even think to undertake the trip? Then why would you allow that same condition to prevail in your company?

Visuality installs vital information in a visual format along and within the critical path (the flow) of your work so you can tell whatever you need to know simply by looking.

- Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth, from Industrial Engineer article,
"The Value of Vision"

Visual Poem/Puzzle
Cat or Panda?
Listen to Gwendolyn this 
Thursday at 10am (Pacific) on

Workplace visuality is not rocket science. You see it. You get it. That is one of its powers. Implementing visuality in the enterprise so it has a long and vital life, however, is another matter. Setting up a visual workplace steering can help--a lot! In this week's show, Gwendolyn Galsworth continues describing this team of associate volunteers who help the company stay the improvement course and meet its impact potential. With 30 years of hands-on experience in implementing visuality, Gwendolyn provides the telling details. This week she adds to your understanding of how this team: 1) gets groomed through a self-process of norm- setting to take on a leadership role that has no authority; 2) learns to discern the difference between process and task and deploy that in its interactions; and 3) leads not just by example but also by helping to set standards which the company may not realize it needs. Empowerment on steroids continues!  
Feature Article
What Does Growth Mean For Your Company?  (Part 3 of 3) (Encore) 
by Gwendolyn Galsworth, PhD

Our discussion continues, the center of which is the question: "What does growth mean for my company?" The power of that single issue was brought home to me in spades in 2004 when, as a Shingo Prize Examiner, I went with a site team to the Delphi facility in Delnosa, Mexico to validate and verify a very impressive improvement profile described in the Achievement Report. The report read like a lean playbook, with all the requisites. Quick changeovers, one-piece flow, quality-at-the-source, and cellular design were solidly in place--along with dramatic reductions in lead time, throughput time, accidents, defects, and, of course, costs--and the associated increases in productivity, customer satisfaction, revenues, and profit margin.

The Achievement Report also shared a crystal-clear manufacturing vision for operational excellence, captured in a five-point progress model. More needs to be said about that model because of what happened next on the visit. 
 Read More 
Visual Tricks and Treats
Great signs, clever visual devices, artistic or humorous graffiti. If you find one to share, send the image to [email protected]    
And the Visual Fail Prize Goes To...

Have you seen a Visual Fail that made you laugh?  Send the image to [email protected],
and we'll put it here and credit you with the funny find!