Your Miami Valley Career Technology Center appreciates your support. Keep reading to learn more about what is happening on campus.
MVCTC Adult Education 
Start here... Go anywhere!
June 2016 Adult Education Practical Nursing Graduates
The next Adult Education Information Session is on Thursday, October 20. This Session includes Central Service Technician, Dental Assisting, Medical Assisting and Practical Nursing.  Short term trades programs and the full time Precision Machining.  Sessions begin in the Adult Education Building at 6 pm.  Tours will conclude by 7 pm.

Adult Education Career Programs Starting in September - October 2016
45 Years of Providing Quality Education

The MVCTC High School programs started on August 11, 2016. The 45th year of offering career and technical training to high school students in Darke, Miami, Montgomery, Preble and Warren counties.  Over 1,800 high school juniors and seniors are enrolled to attend classes at MVCTC for the 2016-2017 school year. 

This year MVCTC is proud to be collaborating with Arcanum, Eaton, National Trail, and Northmont to provide Satellite Career Technical programs at the partner schools.  This includes adding an Agriculture Education program at Arcanum-Butler and Project Lead the Way classes for middle schools students at Eaton, National Trail, and Northmont.   
John Reichard 
MVCTC Students Attended Buckeye Boys and Girls State
John Reichard (Northmont) from the Biotechnology program was selected to attend the 2016 Buckeye Boys State session held in Bowling Green, Ohio from June 12-June 19, 2016.  John had the opportunity to learn about city, county, an d sta te government while meeting other students from across the state.  Robert Weiler, from American Legion Post 707 in Englewood, coordinated the sponsoring of John's attendance at Buckeye Boys State.  
Emily Hutchings

Danielle Rice

Emi ly Hutchings (Twin Valley South) Sports Medicine  a nd Danielle Rice (Dixie) Agriculture & Livestock Production were selected to attend the 2016 Buckeye Girls State  session held at the University of Mount Union from June  12-June 18, 2 016.  The objective of the program is to train young women who have completed their junior year of high school in the duties, privileges,  rights, and responsibilities of citizenship.  Emily and Danielle  were chosen based upon their interest in gove rnment, their scholastic achievement, and their success in an interview process.  Special thanks to Paula Blosser, President of the American Legion Post 707 Auxiliary of Englewood, Ohio.  They sponsored our students' participation in the Buckeye Girls State Program.

Share Your Story
Do you know of an outstanding MVCTC Alumni with a great success story to share?  If so, please encourage them to visit to share their story!  Submit Success Story 
MVCTC Project SEARCH Recognized
The MVCTC Project SEARCH program at Miami Valley Hospital South is only in the third year but is already receiving international recognition!  At the 10 th  annual Project SEARCH Conference in Orlando, FL in August, the MVCTC Project SEARCH program received the 100% Employment Outcome Award ! 
National Trail-MVCTC Agriculture Education Satellite Program Receives Grant

The National Trail-MVCTC Agriculture Education greenhouse will be named The Joseph K. Slone Agricultural Education Center at a dedication ceremony on Friday, September 16, 2016 from 5:00-6:00 pm.  National Trail was the recipient of a $10,000 Monsanto Grant for greenhouse supplies.  
Miami Valley Career Technology Center 
6800 Hoke Road
Englewood, Ohio 45315
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