A Message from Karyn
Happy September! As we continue to transition into Fall and prepare our children for the new school year,  this month's newsletter is dedicated to highlighting milestones many African-Americans surpassed in order to allow this generation equal education. From the celebration of Black educators to remembering the Little Rock Nine, please be sure to check out everything this newsletter has to offer, including one new fundraiser benefiting the children of The Earth School in New York City. 

In addition, we are continuing to raise money for our newest animated short which will share the groundbreaking story of Bessie Coleman, the first African-American female pilot.

Be sure to check out ways to give below as we continue to create opportunities that serve the Sweet Blackberry community. 

Celebrating  Black Educators
School is officially in session! This month, Sweet Blackberry is recognizing Black educators who made their mark in American history and created opportunities for people of color when there weren't any. 
This Month in Black History:
 The Integration of Public Schools

It took roughly 100 years after the abolition of slavery for this country to realize "separate but equal" was nothing more than an unfair and unjust provision that stunted the growth of the ripe minds of African-American youth. Though Brown v. Board of Education overturned the Supreme Court's Plessy v. Ferguson ruling, backlash from White Americans caused the African-American community to band together and at times sacrifice their safety for a law that should have been made many decades before. This month, Sweet Blackberry would like to recognize the bravery of the Little Rock Nine and pay respect to the families of the four little girls who lost their lives in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. These are just two instances surrounding the enforcement of public school integration. If you have a story regarding public school integration you would like to share with Sweet Blackberry, contact us on Facebook. We would be honored to share your story with our community. 

The Little Rock Nine

Children today will never have to endure the hardship and blatant racism many children had to face when public schools around the country were forced to integrate. After the 1954 Supreme Court ruling declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional, many public school systems fought against it. In fact, in September 1957 President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent Federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to escort nine Black students who were now enrolled at Central High School to class after Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus called in the state National Guard to bar the Black students from entering the school. 

We would like to recognize the families of Minnijean Brown, Elizabeth Eckford, Ernest Green, Thelma Mothershed, Melba Patillo, Gloria Ray, Terrence Roberts, Jefferson Thomas and Carlotta Walls for their tremendous support of these brave individuals who made a difference in the lives of the many children that followed them. 

Remembering Four Little Girls 

On September 15, 1963 the lives of Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Welsey, Carole Robertson and Carole Denise were stolen in an act of White supremacist terrorism at the African-American 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Members of the Klu Klux Klan planted dynamite attached to a timing device beneath the front steps of the church which went off as five children (Collins' little sister Sarah survived but lost her right eye in the explosion) were in the basement bathroom changing into their choir robes. This was the third bombing in 11 days after a Federal court order mandated the integration of Alabama's school system.  

Both of these historical events in American history played a pivotal role in waking up the public and showing them the unnecessary, hateful and trying times many Black children endured due to discrimination, segregation and racism. We hope that you continue to let your children know that Black history is American history and for many, the chance at an equal education will continue to be something we fight for. 
  • To read more about the Little Rock Nine, click here
  • To read more about the Birmingham Church bombing, click here.  
What  We're R eading 
Did you know that when you purchase items through Amazon.com, Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charity organization? That's right! This month, we you encouraging register Sweet Blackberry as your charity of choice through the AmazonSmile program. Simply register here:  https://smile.amazon.com/
In addition, we are also collecting school supplies to benefit the children of The Earth School in New York CityThe Earth School is a place where children and adults from diverse backgrounds come together to celebrate their differences, to appreciate their common humanity, and to contribute to their community. This school aligns with Sweet Blackberry's mission and we want to give back! We are currently collecting school supplies such as notebooks, pencils, facial tissue and crayons. Simply purchase supplies on AmazonSmile and mail them to: 

The Earth School
Re: Sweet Blackberry School Supply Drive
600 E 6th Street
New York, NY 10009

If you know of a school, youth program or fundraising initiative that aligns with our mission that you would like highlighted in the newsletter feel free to contact us at sweetblackberrynewsletter@gmail.com. 
This month, Sweet Blackberry continues to fundraise for this exciting project sharing the story of the first African American female pilot, Bessie Coleman. This animated short will surround Coleman's journey and determination to defy odds by moving to France from Atlanta, Texas to learn to fly. 

Smithsonian - The First Female African American Pilot
Smithsonian - The First Female African American Pilot

This Bessie Coleman project will join our collection of short films teaching children little known Black history stories such as the stories of Henry "Box" Brown, Janet Collins and Garrett Morgan. Each of these films are currently available on Netflix. 

A special "thank you" goes to our current supporters: Valvia Jefferson, Kimberly Stewart, Patricia Copeland and Beth Prince. 

We appreciate your generous support and could not be more grateful!  
I am from Tylertown, Mississippi .
I was the first African-American chid to integrate a White Southern Elementary school. 
Due to racial tension I had to be escorted by my mother and U.S. Marshals.  
Who am I? 
Tweet your answer to  @SwtBlackberry  for a shout out in next month's newsletter! 

The answer to last month's trivia question was Howard University!  Congrats @iam_EnvD and  @Shish_KaB0b  for answering last month's trivia correctly.