Happy Labor Day, TDPS! Check out upcoming events, including NextNOW Fest 9/9-9/10
TDPS Newsletter
  Monday, September 5, 2016
We hope you're settling into the new school year! We're excited to share with you the following events, stories, and opportunities.

A highlight this week is  The Clarice's NextNOW Fest on Friday, September 9th and Saturday, September 10th. Don't miss this diverse arts festival! TDPS students and alumni will be participating, and you can also check out the wide range of fascinating guest artists. See details below.
  In this newsletter:
  • Upcoming TDPS events
  • Feature Stories
  • News (Awards & Honors, Performances & Productions, Publications, other activities)
  • Opportunities (Jobs & Auditions; Scholarships, Fellowships, & Grants)
  • Other Upcoming Events (Off-Campus)

Want to share your news with the TDPS family? Have a story you want featured? Have suggestions to improve the TDPS newsletter and communications?

Tell us about the creative, collaborative, innovative, and entrepreneurial work you're doing!

Email  and  share with us on social media .
Upcoming TDPS Events
  NextNOW Festival at The Clarice
September 9-10
All events are free. All events are freeing.

Experience two days of nonstop music, theatre and dance performances and immersive, technology-driven installations by artists from around campus and the country.

The Clarice's NextNOW Fest is open to all. Be a part of what’s next now!

Be sure to check out the following TDPS-related events:

  • Alumni Play Commissions: Manifesting includes recent Theatre alumni: Joe Graf ('15), playwright; Sam Mauceri ('15), playwright; Sisi Reid ('15), playwright; Moriamo Akibu ('15), director; Tai Coates ('15), stage manager; Becca Ballinger ('14), actor; Noah Israel ('16), actor; Maria Ortiz ('15), actor.
  • Delta Chi Xi Honorary Dance Fraternity Classes: Free dance classes, including: Jazz with Jen Graham (MFA Dance), House with Jonathan Hsu (BA Dance '15), Contemporary with LaTefia Bradley (MFA Dance), Hip Hop with Devin Seldon (BA Dance).
  • NextDANCE: A collection of work by student choreographers, featuring the premiere of Sinclair Ogaga Emoghene's (MFA Dance '16) Alumni Dance Commission.
  • Performing Arts First Look Fair organized by the Undergraduate Theatre Artists Society (UTAS). Check out UMD's student performing arts groups!
  • Mamela Nyamza: Hatched: Guest dancer, choreographer, and performance artist Mamela Nyamza from South Africa presents her solo work. Mamela will also present her dance theatre collaboration piece with students and alumni on Friday, September 16, 6:30pm, Dance Theatre.
  • Forrobodó: For All Brazilian Dance PartyKate Spanos (PhD '16) will co-teach Brazilian partner dance with live band, Forrobodó. 
  • Check out the full schedule. 
ARHU Convocation
September 8th, 3:30PM
All members of the ARHU community are invited to attend the college’s annual convocation on Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 3:30 p.m. in the Gildenhorn Recital Hall at The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center. TDPS student and Creative and Performing Arts scholar M onica Albizo will be honored with the Undergraduate Student Service Award. TDPS Director Leigh Smiley will speak and Dance faculty Patrik Widrig will perform; new TDPS faculty Maura Keefe and Lisa Nathans will be welcomed.
Feature stories
Professor Frank Hildy Featured in Terp Magazine for Globe Research
Professor Frank Hildy is featured in the latest issue of Terp Magazine for his innovative research contributions to the reconstruction of Shakepeare's Globe in London.
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Karen Bradley and Miriam Phillips at Brain on Art conference in Cancún in July
BA Dance Student Amber Chabus Completes Summer Internship at Trisha Brown Dance Company
Amber Chabus, a junior in the BA Dance program, recently completed a summer internship at the Trisha Brown Dance Company in New York City. She did archival and administrative work for two days per week from June to August at the company’s headquarters in Midtown.

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  Have a story you want featured?
Please email
  Have you recently received an exciting opportunity, award, or accolade?
Please email

Scholarships, Fellowships,  & Grants
  • UMD ARHU Travel Awards: First round due October 5thApplication info here.
  • The Nadia and Nicholas Nahumck Fellowship, Society for Ethnomusicology, to help support research on a dance-related subject and its subsequent publication. Details available here.
  • Conference & Research Grants for Institute for Humane Studies: Grant of up to $750 from the Institute for Humane Studies toward expenses, including travel costs and conference fees. Apply here and be sure to mention!
  • Gilman International Scholarships: Provides up to $5,000 for study abroad students with financial need who receive Pell Grants. Details on info sessions and the application process available here.
  • Congress for Research on Dance (CORD) awards now available online.
Jobs, Programs, & Auditions
  • Christopher K Morgan & Artists internships for September 12, 2016 - January 15, 2017; interviews begin September 7th. For more details, email
  • Voice Minor Series (VMS) auditions: VMS is a program offered by the Voice Division of UMD School of Music for any student who is not a voice major. Participants of this program can take weekly voice lessons from a teaching assistant, and are required to pass a jury at the end of each academic semester. Direct questions to Lori Sen at
  • Terps for ChangeTerps for Change is a semester-long program pairing students with local nonprofits. Students gain real life experience and professional development while connecting with fellow Terps. Log into and go to to apply. Applications open until September 16.
  • Theatre J is hiring front-of-house staff; more information here.
Call for Papers
  • Papers reporting on original investigations and critical analysis of research and developments in the field of drama and theatre are invited for the 41st Comparative Drama Conference, hosted by Rollins College in Orlando, Florida, April 6-8, 2017. Scholars and artists in all languages and literatures are invited to email a 250-word abstract in English to Dr. William C. Boles at by December 3, 2016. More info here.
  Have a job or audition opportunity to share?
Please email
Other Upcoming Events
  • Mosaic Theater Company is offering group discount tickets to Satchmo at the Waldorf. Please email if you are interested.
  • BA Theatre student Maureen Roult will play Cousin Hebe in HMS Pinafore, with 2nd Star Productions in Bowie, MD, October 21 - November 19th. Purchase tickets here.
  Are you participating in an off-campus event or performance?
Please email  to help spread the word.
  Do you have news to share with the TDPS community?
Email and share with us on social media!

The School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies
advances and transforms the research and practice of the performing arts
through a commitment to excellence and innovative education .


Kate Spanos, Coordinator of Marketing & Communications
Jonelle Walker, Graduate Assistant