Empower News September  2016

Labor Day Weekend CLEARANCE SALE
Sale Begins FRIDAY, September 2nd

Labor Day  | Monday | September 5th

6 am Power Hour Cancelled
 7 am Power Yoga with Lesley
9 am Power Yoga with Tricia
11 and 4pm Classes Cancelled
6 pm Power Yoga with Tricia 
8 pm Community Power Yoga with Nan

Live your truth. Express your love.
Share your enthusiasm.

Empower's 200-hour RYT Teacher Training
with Tricia Philpott ... 
This program is unlike any other ...
 It begins Friday, September 16th

Tricia shares her knowledge and experience 
of teaching yoga and meditation for the past 17 years. 
Her dedication and passion to the practice  has inspired 
her to put together this amazing program. 
Whether or not it is your intention,  you will leave this program
READY to teach a yoga class ... 
inspired with confidence 
and clarity to move forward into the next chapter of your life.

* On Friday nights the weekend begins
at the 6 pm Power Hour class at Empower.
 * This class is included in the Training fee

* Saturday and Sunday morning sessions will be held  at
Aarti Yogain Ipswich, owned by yogi, Jill Montoni.  Aarti offers 
cozy and warm environment overlooking a natural salt marsh.
 *  Afternoon sessions will be held at Empower
*   During the Training, any additonal classes you take 
at Empower  will be charged at the "student rate".  

Guest presenters will be in the house 
covering these topics ...

* Yoga History and Philosophy
* Yoga Anatomy and Physiology
* Hands on Assisting | Beginner and 
* Meditation and Chanting
* Ayruveda
* Chakras and Energetics
* Learn to practice and to teach  Inversions and Arm balances 

Upon Completion of this Teacher Training, 
you are able to participate  in  our new  Mentor Program  
in which you will have the opportunity 
t o teach  to our
community and to get feedback from other teachers ... 
Consistent on-going support in exchange for
your commitment to the program. 

Special Classes included in the Teacher Training ...
2 Yoga Nidra Classes with Tricia
Restorative Yoga
Yin Yoga
Sound Healing Journey with Elaine O' Roarke

Also included is a Mindfulness Session with Jan MacLaughlin
to support you in the transformational
 process of becoming an effective Yoga Teacher! 

On Saturday and Sundays we''ll practice together 
with the 4:30 pm  Power Yoga Classes
These classes are included in the Training fee.
You'll leave refreshed and renewed ... yogafied.

Join us ...  Don't miss this yoga Immersion ... Teacher Training ...
Life Changing and  Potentially Magical Events ...
Yoga and Great Teachers sharing what they know with you ...
 This is the way it should be.

Hope to see you there!

 Register Here  by  September 16th

"Make a pact with yourself today to not be defined by your past. 
Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your
hard work 
isn't what you get for it, but what you become for it. 
Shake things up today!  Be You...Be Free...Share.

Yoga Nidra with Tricia 
Surrender into Stillness
Sunday |  September 25   2-3:30 pm
All are Welcome | Drop-ins $18 


Living Yoga

Summer glides in on a paddle board 
and rolls away on a school bus.  
We hang up bathing suits and grab backpacks.
Feet exchange flip flops for soccer cleats.

September absolutely announces Change ... 
Like it or not.

Although we often resist and complain, 
change is essential for growth, transformation 
and moving forward in life.

You have a light in your eyes and 
the blood of a yogi pumps through your veins.
If you're lucky, daily you stand in Vrksasana
(tree pose)  and over time you've, learned to sway.

Resistance only constructs a cage around 
your heart and your life.

Let go of the life you've planned 
in order to live the life you were meant to have.


Strength and Serenity Retreat with Tricia 
at  blue spirit Costa Rica is SOLD OUT

Please contact Tricia to be added to our waiting list ...
Fingers crossed that you are able to join us!

 Chaturanga Dandasana | Low Push up

Everyone has a love/hate relationship with this pose and,
it changes with each practice.  Some days you hit it exactly right and other days, it just doesn't feel strong, centered, balanced ...

Baron Baptiste says this pose comes apart in your head.
Are you calm and non reactive?  Are you relaxed?  
Or, are you clenching your jaw, your shoulders, your neck?
The answers lie in how you set up your body
and mind to start the pose. 

1. First stack your shoulder joints, elbows and wrists in
one line as you come in to high plank.

2. Slide your shoulders down your back, keep them drawing down,  while activating your lats, the muscles under the armpits.
In the moment, this is hard to remember.  The easiest way to engage them is to press your pinky fingers in to the mat, and lift your chest.

3. Firm your thigh muscles, think of lifting the back
of the thighs as if to touch the ceiling.

4. Firm up your stomach with a slight lift of
your hips and your belly.

5. Start to move forward using the strength of your legs by
squeezing your thigh muscles in to the bone, feeling the
strength of your fingers by spreading them.

6. Set your gaze forward as you come to the tip tops of your toes, going past the balls of your feet, bending your elbows and lowering about 5 " from the floor.   At this point the elbows should be in line
with the torso with your gaze still set forward.
 7. Feel your weight evenly distributed on your hands and feet.

8. Now feel your strength, your purpose.  
Breath more, struggle less ... the most essential elements of the pose.
This will help you to find success in the pose. 

9. If you do not have the strength in your shoulders to fully come
in to this pose, the modification is to place your knees down,
keeping everything else the same as you lower to the floor. 
You modify, but you don't avoid.

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