August 2016 will be a month to remember. The RIO Olympics occurred,   Iowa played in the Little League World Series and all our schools have started. The YMCA also tried to have a $3 million bond vote in Washington but it didn't pass. We will still build new on West 5 th Street in Washington but, the original design will be reduced in scope. I will announce this plan in September. Throughout my personal disappointment with the bond vote many   wonderful things occurred at the YMCA. The three stories below really brightened the month.


On August 20, I went to the Columbus Junction pool to work for the day. I was greeted by two smiling employees but was more of a   surprise was the sign on the door. The picture below is from the Colonel Kids Childcare Center who swims at the pool. This sign made me smile for those kids and all the employees who worked at the Columbus Junction pool this summer. I felt very lucky and proud to have met so many people in Columbus Junction who are so very nice!

August 11 was our last day for the Y Read program. This was a wonderful collaborative arrangement with the Washington School District, the Washington Public Library and the YMCA. Fifty-five, kindergarten - third graders came to the YMCA for five weeks during the months of July and August. Besides reading each student participated in a swimming lesson, gym activities and games in our downtown park area. It was great to be a part of this program and work with such wonderful teachers!

I had a really fun day on August 16! On this day I traveled to the Iowa State Fair with Marcus Hall, Craig Vasey and Amy Schulte to represent the City of Kalona at their State Fair booth. Their booth was just amazing! We sold lots of everything; particularly the yummy cinnamon rolls. I hope many of you were able to attend the fair and enjoy all the activities.