August Transistions
We have one more month of summer, and then comes autumn! As the change of seasons approaches, it's a great time to consider if there are any last-minute summer trips you want to squeeze in, as well as start getting excited about the season ahead. The transition from summer to autumn often brings thoughts of "the next chapter". This may be because autumn reminds us of our "back to school" days, or because autumn often means more time nesting indoors, or because many clubs and business activities resume more frequent meetings come September... whatever the reason, you may find yourself with thoughts of change or "next steps" on your mind. My newest blog offers a 3-step process to harness the power of change-- whether in terms of a relationship that's ending or beginning, transitions in the workplace, or changes you're creating from the inside. Wishing you a wonderful summer wrap-up as you enjoy today and ponder all that lies ahead!
A Fresh Perspective
How to Manage Changes and Transitions Successfully!
Have you ever heard the saying, "The only thing that is constant is change"? It was said first by Heraclitus, about 2500 years ago- yet it still rings true today. Whether you're relocating to a new city, finding or ending a relationship, or navigating a promotion or other job change, life is challenging you to adjust gracefully to something new. This blog outlines some of the common components of many phases of life's transitions in work, dating, and life in general- with tips on how to make the most of each phase.
The Path to Mindfulness Part 1: Mindful Awareness
Before I became a clinical psychologist I was a certified yoga teacher, so I have been studying mindfulness for years. The field of psychology has recently begun embracing the concept of mindfulness, and these days it's common to hear the term being thrown around outside of mental health and wellness contexts. I consider mindfulness to be a crucial tool both inside and outside of therapy, but I find that many people don't fully understand what it means and how to practice it. In this series I will explain why I find mindfulness to be important, and how you can learn to use it to your benefit.
Group Support, that Supports You
Support Group
At Carmichael Psychology, we are always looking for ways to connect with and support our clients. After hearing your needs, we created our Support Group. It is a wonderful and supportive option for so many of you. Our Support Group was designed to: connect you with others, help you practice healthy communication, support you in being open and intimate, and so much more. Click here for more info about the Support Group. 
New 8-week Group on Anxiety Management:
Would you be interested?
We will be running an  Anxiety Management 8-Week Program (AMP) and we want to know if you would be interested in joining. The AMP is a structured 8-week skills program. Each session teaches a specific CBT technique for managing anxiety. Each session includes specific homework suggestions to reinforce what you learned that week. Find out more details here and please let us know if you would be interested in learning more about AMP! 
Dr. Chloe in the Media
At Carmichael Psychology we are so proud of Dr. Chloe. She has been an expert guest on so many different wonderful programs. We wanted to share some of those moments with you! We compiled a few of her TV appearances from local and national television on work, dating, mental health, news, and lifestyles! We are so happy to share this with you and if you are 
interested  in subscribing to our YouTube channel, please check it out here.  
Ellevate is a professional women's network owned by Sallie Krawcheck, who has been ranked #7 on the Forbes list of the 100 Most Powerful Women in the World.  Dr. Chloe was very flattered to be interviewed on the Ellevate podcast, which was shared to members with the description below:
"How do you manage stress? Dr. Chloe Carmichael is a clinical psychologist who specializes in goal attainment, stress and anxiety management. Her practice has grown significantly as a result of her hard work, making it an interesting case of entrepreneurial grit. In this episode she shares her career journey, how she grew her practice to include video therapy and coaching, and tips she has learned about building and managing teams."  Listen here!  
Ongoing Support from Dr. Chloe
Anxiety Support
Need some help controlling your anxiety, but unable to make it into the office?

Sign up below to get 14 days of free tips delivered to your inbox!

Breakup Support
Going through a breakup? It's a daily struggle, we understand!

Sign up below to get 14 days of free breakup support and advice delivered to your inbox!

Dr. Chloe App
Need to make or change your Carmichael Psychology therapy or coaching appointment on the fly? We now have an "app for that."
Search for "Carmichael Psychology," and you're good to go!

Dr. Chloe Carmichael Peet
Licensed Psychologist
P: 212.729.3922
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Therapy Session via Skype