Family Development
IDA Success Story
A Message From
Yesenia Raygoza

Yesenia is a young woman working part-time, attending college classes, and mother of 2 children.  As she shared her story: "I experienced a life-changing event, so I moved .....

At a recent meeting of the REAL Services Board of Directors, we discussed the changing demographics and the impact that the Baby Boom Generation will have on our agency, on our community and on our society as a whole.  There is a bright side of the sobering numbers!  
2016 Age of Excellence
Hoosier Lifetime Award
REAL Services Needs Caring Volunteer Advocates

Bettye Green's giving and tenacious passion in educating community residents, particularly the elderly and needy, is exemplary.  Bettye is so glad to be able to share her knowledge and is passionate about her volunteer work...
"When you're doing the right thing, you don't think about it... you just do it!"  That is the mantra of Trina Detwiler, Guardian Volunteer Advocate (GVA) for REAL Services' Adult Guardianship Program.

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Call: (574) 233-8205 or (800) 552-2916 
Simply Catering to You: (574) 284-2025