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September 2016
"The art of life is a constant readjustment to       
 our surroundings." 
~ Kakuzo Okakaura
The End is Not Really the End
Marie Hunter
Working for over a year on a conference is a real investment of time and often personal passion and talent. There is a build-up of anticipation as the event draws near and, hopefully, a great celebration of success as it nears the end.  

But the end of the event is not the end of the road for the event planner or conference organizer. Some of the most important parts of a successful event come after it is over.
Of course there are the bills! We all want to close out the financial aspects of the conference as soon as possible - it can be done in as few as 2-3 months with focus but should not take longer than 6 months. If there was good planning beforehand, it is achievable.  

All the account information and billing instructions should be confirmed before the start of the event. Only authorized signers and budgeted items should make their way onto the bill. Bills should be reviewed on site if possible, at the end of each day. Any errors can be worked out right away. If you need help, don't procrastinate, reach out for support, MCE is here to help!
After the event it is also time to write thank you notes to key vendors, volunteers, speakers and sponsors. Your recommendation or praise may help them with their goals. You may want to engage with them in the future. It is always good to recognize the hard work of your team. Use this time to point them towards a next step - perhaps taking an active role in next year's' conference?
The conference organizer can play a critical role in the hand-off of a conference to the next year's organizer, can transmit feedback and make helpful suggestions. Sharing data and learnings is very important and helpful.
When all's said and done and the program is closed and everyone's focus is on the next event, sit back and relax, you have earned it!

Marie Hunter
Senior Director 
IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE)
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2016 POCO Highlights
In July 2016, IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) held the Panel of Conference Organizers (POCO), an annual event which convenes the conference community. 

Over 200 attendees from more than 20 countries had the opportunity to network, share ideas and collaborate. 

Leveraging the location of Montreal, many local conference and IEEE Section leaders, along with most of the IEEE Canada conference volunteer leadership were active participants.

These local experts, along with IEEE leaders representing Society and Council Presidents, VPs of Conferences, Regional Directors and Conference Coordinators, and Section Chairs created a community built to network and brainstorm on the future of conferences and events.

Attendees took part in thought-provoking and insightful sessions that aimed to provide real value to conference leaders. The program focused on attracting and engaging new audiences in new and innovative ways, as well as offered new session formats to provide real-time problem solving and demonstrating the importance of adult learning with "fun factors" to meet the ongoing needs of our global organizer community. 

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In This Issue
Quick Tips
Did you know? 
Early-bird registration discounts and other incentives are effective tools to increase your conference registration.  

Along with targeted email marketing campaigns, they provide greater enticement
for those who just need that little 'extra push' to attend. 

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MCE Conference Education Program 
IEEE MCE Conference Education provides learning opportunities for conference organizers of all experience levels, IEEE units and roles.
Learning options available:
- Educational Webinars 
- eLearning Courses
- Conference Workshops

Resources can be found in the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) , u se  your   IEEE Account  f or access.
Contact  IEEE MCE  for more information on Conference Workshops.    
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IEEE Membership Verification for Conference Registration
people in line to  register
Verification of IEEE Membership during conference registration is very important for conference attendees and organizers. IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) offers two tools to assist conference organizers manage this process.
MCE Registration Services - An Integrated Solution
MCE can offer your conference a fully integrated solution to IEEE membership validation.
MCE's registration tool is linked directly to IEEE's member database, providing real-time member validation at both the IEEE and Society membership levels.  The process is seamless and completely turnkey, enabling the conference to manage the process swiftly and effectively.
In addition, you can also promote IEEE membership to non-IEEE registrants. This added value service is complimentary and allows you to build your conference community and IEEE unit membership.
Complimentary Access to IEEE's Membership Verification File
All registered IEEE sponsored conferences can request access to a copy of IEEE's Member Verification file.  This no-cost option provides a list of current active IEEE and Society validation information in an Excel format, shared via SmartSheet, and updated on a monthly basis.  

The conference organizers can then perform manual searches to determine active membership status.

Organizers interested in this tool, should submit the Membership Verification Request Form to [email protected].

Conference Education Program: Updates 
webinar image
September Webinar Topic:
Developing Soft Skills for Leadership Through Conference Organizing
Learn what are 'soft skills' and how they can help engineers stay current and competitive in a dynamic marketplace. Participants will understand how to leverage conference organizing roles to develop these skills in yourself and others. You will learn what 'soft skills' are important to career development for those in technical fields and how to assess them.

Our IEEE Volunteer  presenter is  Joe Lillie,  Treasurer, Consumer Electronics Society. Joe has first-hand experience and insights to share on the importance and value of soft skills.

Date: Wednesday, 22 September 2016 

Time:11:00 AM - 12:00PM - Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
Time:3:00 - 4:00 PM - Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

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