Wait, tell me again - Who are you?  What do you do? 
Happy New Year - 

Well, not exactly - but it feels like a new year to me. After the summer, small business owners are flocking back to networking, collaborating, learning and gearing up for 4th quarter awesomeness.  

My networking groups kick off their new membership year this week. I've been polishing up my 'elevator speech'.  It's likely you've heard this term before. The elevator speecha clear, brief message or "commercial" about you: who you are, what you're looking for and how you can benefit a company or organization. It's typically about 30 seconds, (the time it takes people to ride from the top to the bottom of a building in an elevator.)

As you know, I've been working with Shelly Berman-Rubera of Small Business Results. One of Shelly's superpowers is how she is able to work with a small business owner to help them boil down the very essence of the work they do, who they do it for, and what challenges they solve for their clients.  She calls this the 
Differentiating Concept.

Simply stated, the Differentiating Concept tells us "Why You?".
In a room of (_____fill in the blank_____) professionals, why will we want to work with only YOU? 
Working on your differentiating concept will help you to identify and focus on the outcomes of your work and what happens when customers work with you.

Once a client has figured out their exact "Who" and "Why" and "How", their message becomes concise, super-clear and highly-targeted.  Now - that means that my work with the client, the digital marketing efforts (website, social media platforms, email newsletters) will have a strong message, a clear purpose and be written for a very targeted audience.

I encourage you to develop your own Differentiating Concept. Answer the questions "What Do You Do?" "Who Do You Do That For?" in a succinct and concise way. Spend some time with a trusted colleague, your accountability group, or a brainstorming session to gain clarity.  Then, we can talk about how to use that in your digital marketing messages.
Consider any of these upcoming opportunities to work on a Differentiating Concept:
  1. Free Workshop: Beyond the Elevator Speech.  Tuesday, September 27, HarborOne U, Mansfield - Sponsored by the Women's Business Network of SE MA
  2. Free MeetUp Event in Newton - Wednesday, 9/14 - Interactive Learning / Networking
  3. Group business coaching programs are now forming throughout Massachusetts.      
    (I have a secret code to save you $$ - contact me today)
  4. SBR - Your Concept leads to Customers private coaching.
  5. Coaches and Consultants Success Summit - 10/20 - at Constant Contact corporate offices in Waltham. Free to attend.

Wondering if your digital marketing platforms are clearly representing your concept?

schedule a free consultation


Schedule a complimentary 20-minute phone call with me. Together, we can take a look at your platforms and discuss your goals.

Monthly Small Business Resources: 
Each month, I collect articles on the topics of helping you build your online presence, reach your target audience and gain more skills as an entrepreneur.
Click through to read more on these and other helpful topics. 
Click for Articles on These Topics
Differentiation and Positioning: What Does Your Business Stand For?

Pursuing, attaining, and maintaining a competitive position in the market is at the heart of an effective marketing communications plan.
Read more from industry experts in these articles.

~ What Does Your Business Stand For?
~ A Differentiating Statement is at  the Heart of an Effective Marketing Communications Plan.
A Positioning Statement is an Expression of How Given Product, Service or B rand  fills a Particular Consumer Need in a Way that its Competitors Don't.
~ H ow Can You Sell a Product or Service If You Can't Articulate Its Value?
Click For Articles on These Topics
Click For Articles on These Topics
Posting online....
Where? Why? How?

This month, I've collected a selection of great articles by some of my favorite  sources on this topic. This month's titles include:

Don't Shoot The Messenger:
It's time to start thinking about your holiday marketing.

Organize your database before the holiday season arrives. Put your loyal, new, and potential customers into different lists. This will allow you to target each of these audiences with relevant offers during the holidays.  

Learn more:
Download this handy guide: "Preparing Your Marketing for the Holidays" including ' 3 Tips to Perfect Your Email Marketing this Holiday Season' and more helpful planning tools.

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The monthly "Connections" newsletter is intended to offer support and information for those who seek to increase online presence.  If you do not find value in this publication, I invite you to unsubscribe from this list here.