Message from the Director
Donna Qualters     
Welcome back to another fall semester! We hope your semester has started smoothly, and we look forward to seeing many of you this year through CELT programs and events as well as other faculty development activities across the campus. 

See my newly posted blog on Teaching @ Tufts:

What's YOUR Perspective on Teaching?
"I'm often asked "What is good teaching?" Depends on whom you talk to." ( see more)
In the News:

The debate rages on about safe spaces, trigger warnings and freedom of speech. Email u s if  you would be interested in a conversation on this topic with other faculty!

Faculty Learning Community on Mindfulness in the Classroom

CELT is starting a new faculty Learning Community this fall on the topic of Mindfulness in the Classroom.  Research on Mindfulness has demonstrated benefits to student health and learning by using these practices in class.  Join a community of like-minded faculty who will explore the literature and best practices to bring Mindfulness to your classroom.

The faculty community meets for an academic year and produces a product that is disseminated to colleagues across Tufts. CELT provides a small budget for resources, meals and learning to promote the work of the community. If interested in joining or finding out more, please e-mail Donna Qualters.
Tufts Faculty Spotlight:
Engaging Individual Learners in a Large Lecture Course

Diane McKay, Assistant Professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy

"This was an unusually large class size for me, one I had never dealt with during my teaching career. When faced with this challenge, I wanted to 
apply what I was learning at that time from my
 interactions with a small group of faculty and CELT about creating an inclusive learning environment. I was particularly interested in helping students who are less prepared for the science aspects of my nutrition science course." Read more.

Co-written by ETS staff
"I want to be more gender-inclusive in my classroom, but don't always know how!"

Recently in Faculty Focus, an online resource for faculty, there was a really practical article by Sherry Zane titled Supporting Transgender Students in the Classroom. There are some very simple strategies you can adopt that will go a long way toward creating a more gender-inclusive classroom. 

Read this short, but practical article here.
Dr. Zane also created a video with her students that is about 13 minutes long, and worth watching.

Dr. Sherry Zane is an assistant professor in the Women's, Gender, and Sexual Studies Department at the University of Connecticut.

Other Tufts Resources:
Tufts LGBT Center is  a great resource for faculty!
See President Monaco's  letter to Governor Baker.
CELT  offers regular workshops  in an effort to improve learning for all students, and create more inclusive classroom environments at Tufts. Please check our website regularly for opportunities!

CELT's mid-term feedback program provides faculty with student feedback to allow them to make timely adjustments in courses during the semester. Through this voluntary program CELT staff visit classes and, using a research-based protocol, survey the class to elicit feedback. This fall, the program will be offered during the weeks of  October 11th and 17th. We have limited space, so please apply soon!  For more information and to apply,   click here.
Course Design Institute 
HOLD THE DATES:  January 9-12, 2016
This four day workshop is designed to provide you with the tools, time, and collegial support to help you work t hro ugh the course (re)design process.  For more information and to apply, visit our website .

Faculty Development on the Go!
To add to the CELT library, we now have Kindles available for loan, loaded with some of our favorites books on teaching and learning. Email us or stop by if you would like to sign one out.

And if you still prefer the feel of a book  in your hands, we have many more selections available on a wide range of topics!

Constitution Day Event
This year's Constitution Day lecture, sponsored by the Political Science Department will be Monday, 9/19. Guest speaker Gina Sapiro will talk about The Perpetual Crisis of American Higher Education: Colleges, Universities, and the "Real World" of American Political History. 12:00 pm, Crane Room, Medford Campus.

A recent TTS Newsletter highlighted, a free, 24/7 online service 
Tufts University provides all students, faculty, and staff with free access to, an online subscription library that teaches the latest software, creative, and business skills through high-quality instructional videos. Check it out here: 

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