Learning to Sew and LOVING IT!

Bobbi's BlogSewing ClassesFeatured Products

Welcome to Fascination in Fabrics!

I have been renovating my website for the past 18 months and Ted and I are finally in the final stages of our journey. Once everything is up and running, I am sure that you will find a user friendly website full of sewing information and products to make your sewing experience an amazing journey. Feel free to send me your sewing stories and all your sewing tips. Send me pictures for the gallery or a project to share with my young sewers. Sewing is a very social activity no matter what area of sewing that you are interested in. Sewers everywhere want to know what other sewers are doing. Let's get the whole world sewing one stitcher at a time! Let's pass on the traditions of the sewing and needlearts for generations to enjoy! Learning to sew and loving it!

Summer Camps a Success

This year marked my third year at Tower Hill's summer camp. Popular camps included Creature Camp from the book "Creature Camp" by Wendi Gratz, American Girl Doll camp from the book  "Sew in Style- Make Your Own Doll Clothes" by Erin Hentzel, and Sewing for the Beach which was a "Sewing on the Go" class. Everyone had lots of fun and sewed lots of finished projects!

Besides my 6 weeks of camps at Tower Hill I also was the morning activity for the day campers for 2 weeks.I had been prepping for this activity period for several months with kits and handouts. When the final numbers came in I had to do some scrambling because three fourths of the campers were boys from Kindergarten through the sixth grade!

 Click Here to Sign up for Sewing Classes!  

bean people from Creature campQuilted Wallhanging by Catherine
Clyde, the curvy monster from Creature Camptext

Several late nights later I came to camp armed with kits to please all of the kids. To my amazement, most of the boys LOVED the sewing classes! By the end of the first week, I had a room full of campers, counselors, and even the camp directors sewing and stitching. Those 2 weeks went by with the speed of lightning and I loved every minute of my time with them. Thanks to all the kids, the counselors who not only learned to sew but did a fantastic job helping the kids during class, and a special thanks to Ms Sharon Reynolds, the director of Tower Hill Summer Camps, for giving me this opportunity. See you all next year!


After School Programs To Begin in September

 This year I will again be teaching in the extended day programs of both Tower Hill and Ursuline Academy. Tower Hill's classes will begin the week of September 23 while holiday sewing programs will be offered at Ursuline later in the fall. 

Ursuline's "Sewing for the Holiday" sewing classes will start in mid October. Mr James Greatorex will be sending out special flyers describing these holiday sewing classes with Ms Bobbi. Kindergarten sewers will be sewing for 45 minutes per class while the 1st through 4th graders will be sewing for an hour per class. There will be lots of quick and easy gifts for the kids to make for the holidays and a fun class to introduce your child to the wonderful world of sewing!

Tower Hill's classes will start the week of September 22 and run through the week of January 23. Second through sixth graders will have class on Tuesday and Wednesday from 2:50 pm - 4:20 pm. A new Friday class for kindergarten and first graders will run from 2:50 pm - 3:35 pm. The Tuesday and Wednesday classes are full but registrations for the Friday class can still be sent to Mrs Natalia Vekker at Tower Hill School. 

Projects are planned, kits are ready, and Ms Bobbi can't wait to get going sewing! Can't wait for the classes to begin you say? Come to Ms Bobbi's classroom and take a private lesson or two! Call 610-494-7742 for more information or to schedule your lesson.

 Learn more  

September is National Sewing Month

September is National Sewing Month. Try a new sewing skill, teach someone how to start sewing, or just sew something that tickles your fancy! During the month of September Ms Bobbi will offer a 2 for 1 deal on her sewing lessons.

Book a sewing lesson in September and bring a friend that has never experienced the joys of sewing with Ms Bobbi. You may book a private lesson in my classroom or you may book a private lesson in your home. Bobbi will charge you for only one sewer at the hourly rate. Your friend will get to try sewing for free or you may opt to split the lesson cost in half. This offer is for a lesson from September 1 through September 30. Join in the fun! Help your friends experience the joy of learning to sew!

Most Sincerely,
Ms. Bobbi

Copyrights � 2014 Fascination in Fabrics
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