This Sunday at St Timothy's | Sept. 11, 2016
Where is God? A Reflection for the 15th Anniversary of 9/11
On one hand it is hard to believe it’s been fifteen years since the world changed on 9/11. For some of us, we remember as if it where this morning; we remember where we were, who we were with and what we were doing. 9/11 has become one of those symbols that marks an end and a beginning, just like B.C. and A.D. On the other hand, for a large segment of the population it doesn’t seem like yesterday because it’s all they have known. For virtually anyone under the age of twenty, a post-9/11 world has been their only world. Therefore I think it is important, for theological reasons, that we always remember September 11, 2001 for several reasons. We remember 9/11 for the loss of life in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania. We remember that the world changed very quickly, or we became aware of changes that were already underway. We remember because 9/11 brought to the forefront some very important questions: geopolitical, military, and most of all, theological. 

I was in seminary on September 11, 2001, so in a very real way my ministry has been framed by a post-9/11 worldview. But more than anything, I remember how pre-occupied we were with the question of where. Where are my loved ones? Where is the next attack going to happen? Where is this all coming from? Where is Osama bin Laden? Where is God in all this? I was in my third year of serving a church and I remember how full churches were after the attacks, at least for a little while. I think people came together in churches for solidarity and perhaps even to protest militant Islam. I also think people came together seeking answers to the questions of where and why: where is God and why did he let this happen? Remembering 9/11 as a religious event is to ask those questions again.

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Evensong & Benediction This Sunday
This Sunday at  3:30

Choral Evensong and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will be this Sunday at 3:30pm.  The Preces and Responses will be sung by the Choristers and Adult Choir and the Canticles will be sung by our Choristers.

This Sunday's Music
Five years ago when we had a Requiem mass for the 10th anniversary of  9/11, we sang "All my hope on God is founded," and I was struck by how pertinent the second stanza was for the occasion:

Mortal pride and earthly glory,
sword and crown betray our trust;
though with care and toil we build them,
tower and temple fall to dust.
But God's power, hour by hour,
is my temple and my tower.

We will sing this hymn again  this Sunday at morning mass and for Evensong & Benediction at  3:30pm. The choristers will sing some of the music they sang at Canterbury Cathedral, and our three new choristers will join them as "vested observers." Hope you can worship with us both  Sunday morning and afternoon.

9am & 11am mass Hymns:
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven, No. 410
Immortal, invisible, No. 423
Sing praise to God who reigns above, No. 408
The King of love my shepherd is, No. 645
What wondrous love is this, No 439
All my hope on God is founded, No. 665

Evensong & Benediction (3:30pm):
Responses: Craig Phillips
Canticles: Dyson in E minor
Anthem: Locus Iste, Anton Bruckner

The day thou gavest, No. 24
O gracious Light, No. 26
Blessed Jesus, at thy word, No. 440
O Salutaris Hostia (O Saving Victim), No. 311
All my hope on God is founded, No. 665

Also, it is still not too late to join the choir! If you have thought about singing in the choir but just aren't sure if it is where you are called to serve, you may sit in the choir loft  this Sunday  and help lead the hymns. Adults, youth, and children are all welcome. Meet in the choir loft  Sunday  at  8:25am  or  10:25am . Email me at  with questions about  this Sunday  or choir in general. Choir rehearsals begin next Wednesday, September 14.
Sign your children up for choir and learn about God's Children Sing early childhood music class in last week's email "This Week at St Timothy's."

See you  Sunday,
Small Groups Resume this Sunday

Small Groups are 6-12 people who meet regularly to build deeper relationships with other Christians based on sincere conversations and study. These groups are based on discussions of the weekly Sunday Lessons, prayer for one another, and care for one another.


Small Groups are an important step in our parish growing in our mission of Adoration, Formation, and Transformation.

By joining a Small Group parishioners will hopefully:
• feel prepared for Sunday AM lessons (either be reading them before or after Mass)
• feel more connected to St. Tim’s community
• feel more comfortable with prayer/prayer requests
• have a comfortable way to invite new visitors and friends to be part of St. Tim’s

When and Where:

Our groups meet on Sunday mornings during our Formation hour beginning at 10:15 am. The locations are as follows:

• ECW Hall: Connolly/Jones Group
• Drake Hall: Blair Group
• Drake Hall: Farrell/Morphis Group
• Gribbin Commons: Thullbery Group
• Gribbin Conference Room: Skarzynski Group 

Children's Formation
Our fall schedule for formation starts  this Sunday .  From the youngest child to the wisest soul, we have a class for you!  Most  Sunday  morning classes take place after the  9am  mass (before the  11am  mass), beginning around  10:15am . If you are looking for a class or a way to get involved, please contact

This Sunday  and every  Sunday , PreK children (ages 3 and potty-trained to age 5) gather downstairs during the  9am  mass for a time of songs, stories, wonder, and play.  Parents can drop children off as early as  8:45am  in room C-3.  Children join their families in mass at the passing of the Peace. 

All children (PreK through 5th grade) can follow the wooden processional cross at the end of the  9am  mass.  We will lead the children downstairs and help them find their class. Here is the list of 10:15am  formation classes for the fall:

PreK Formation--Room C-2
K-2nd grade Catechesis of the Good Shepherd--Room C-4
3rd-5th grade Advanced Godly Play--Room C-5
Middle School & High School Youth Formation--Drake Hall youth rooms
Adult Small Groups--at various locations around the church campus

All classes end just before the  11am  mass.  Parents, please pick up your children from their classes in the downstairs hallway.  See you  Sunday !
Youth Formation
Youth Formation Sunday mornings is based on the lectionary readings.  There are two separate classes for Middle and High School Students in Drake Hall on  Sunday  mornings - and yes, the doughnut tradition carries on! Middle School will be in the youth room, High School in the classroom. Our continuing mission is to create a safe space for students to find what it means to be followers of Christ. See you Sunday!
Our Lady of Walsingham Lamp
is given to the glory of God
by Beckie McLean
for the month of September
St Timothy Shrine Lamp
is given to the glory of God
by Beckie McLean
for the month of September