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Weekly E-Mail - Parasha Ki Tavo - כי תבוא  "When / If You Come to the Land..." 

Mt Gerizim and Mt Ebal - Blessings and Curses
 Every year Parasha Ki Tavo is read in the month of Elul. In this parasha we are told "If or When you come into . . ."

Why do you think HaShem gave us a choice to come into the Land of Israel? The majority of Sages teach that all of us will move to the Land of Israel. There are a few Kabbalists that teach the Land of Israel is not physical but a state of consciousness. These Kabbalists teach that the Physical Land will expand through out the physical world just as is Prophesied and therefore the Children of Israel do not have to move into the physical land.

The Parasha starts with the First Fruits ritual and the tithing to the Kohenim. It continues with Blessings and Curses. Do you know why the Torah needs to warn us about Curses? To allow us to begin to realize that consciousness prevails and that we can see a Curse is actually a Blessing.

The Haftara is the sixth of 7 Haftara readings referred to as weeks of comfort. In this Haftara HaShem through Isaiah reminds us that choosing a true spiritual path will cause the effect of the path of Blessing and not Curse. Choosing a spiritual path that we fake and do not mean as well as allowing ourselves to be fooled into the material physical path will cause a path of Curses and Chaos. As always HaShem gives you free will; what will you choose?

72 Names of HaShem
Ki Tavo will be read on 21st of Elul.
The study commences on the evening of 15th of Elul 
Thus the study runs this week from the evening of the 17th of September - sundown on 24th of September 2016

Names of HaShem that relate to the days of Parasha Ki Tavo
Name of No 33 - יחו
15th of Elul
Name of No 34 - להח
16th of Elul - 20th of Elul
72 Names from theTzadikim
Names  tha t relate to the days of Parasha Ki Tavo are:
Name No. 33 - ייו
15th of Elul
Name No. 34 - להח
16th of Elul - 20th of Elul

Name No 33 - translates as "His unit" Also when permutated translates as "Your Life". This is a help to find yourself and remove the veils or Klipot to be able to see yourself truthfully.
Name No. 34 - connects to help in "forgetting oneself". In a permutation it translates as moisture and / or humidity - it also has a cleansing meaning and is translated as Pus or Phlem. In another permutation this is a vaccine against illness due to the Hebrew word Cholah - חולה which translates as illness or sick.

Name of Tzadikim No. 33 - connects us to HaShem through its gematria of 26. It can also be seen as translated as "Your God" - since Yood Yood represents the 8 letter Name of unification - unifying HaShem and Adonai.
Name of Tzadikim No. 34 - is the same Name and Location as the 72nd Name of God. Please see energy and meaning above. 

These Names - both sets - are YOUR CONTINUING WAKE UP CALL all through the year!

Basket of First Fruits Being Brought to the Cohenim

Our Rosh Chodesh Elul event did take place at September 3rd and 4th. On September 3rd it will be at 7 PM Pacific time. On September 4th at 7:30 AM Pacific Time. The connection can be heard on 712-832-8300 - Pincode 911904#.

Virgo Elul

Libra 22

There will not be a Rosh Chodesh Tishrai event since it is the Holiday of Rosh HaShana. Here is the link to information about this month and all of the Holidays in the month of Tishrai.

As we enter the Hebrew month of Elul and Tishrai, our preparation for the Holidays of Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur intensifies our actions of Teshuvah.

Our Tradition and Sages teach us to use the following tools to assist us in that process of Teshuvah:
1. Psalm 27 - say it daily
2 Slichot - Sephardic minhag starts on September 5. Ashkenazi minhag starts on September 24.
3. Hear the Shofar every day starting September 5.
4. Read or Scan the Tikunei Zohar during the 40days between Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul on September 3 and Yom Kippur on October 11.

To assist our students efforts we are increasing our study and meditation during the month of Elul as follows:
1. Every day we will have 1/2 hr studies and prayer sessions morning and evening. The morning session will be 8 AM Pacific Time and the evening session will be at 6PM Pacific time. Our other classes will continue at their normally scheduled time.

Our conference call phone number for all sessions is 712-832-8300 - use pincode 911904#.

National Days
In America almost each day of the year has many national days that promote consumption of material items. At Yeshshem we thought it a good idea to promote spiritual connections rather than material consumption.

Special Days in Elul:
September 18 - 15th of Elul - National Learn About Kashrut instead of National Cheeseburger Day.

September 19 - 16th of Elul - International Speak Words of Torah instead of Speak like a pirate day

September 20 - 17th of Elul - InterNational Clean Water Day instead of National Punch Day

September 21 - 18th of Elul - National Parve Cooking Day instead of National Pecan Cookie Day
September 22 - 19th of Elul - Autumnal Equinox 

September 23 - 20th of Elul - International Spiritual Energy Day instead of Innergize Day

September 24 - 21st of Elul - InterNational Learn Hebrew Grammar Day instead of National Punctuation Day.
Av - Father - Aryeh - Lion - Leo


45 Days to Rosh HaShana 
We will begin to blow the Shofar this week
45 is the gematria of Adam in Hebrew and Adam in Hebrew has the meaning of Mankind.

One Mitzvah is to "Be holy!" -  תִׁהְיוּ קְדשִֹׁים - Tehiyu Kedoshim
The Kotzker Rebbe added, "First be a mensch - then be holy)!".
The meaning of the word Mensch in Yiddish is to be a "good" person.
Be a mensch! According to tradition, one can begin to greet others with L'Shana Tova (Have a good year) from Tu B'Av (the 15th day of Av), this Sunday night. And now comes the question - why do we begin this greeting from Tu B'Av which is 45 days before Rosh Hashana and not Rosh Chodesh Elul which may seem a more likely time as Elul comes exactly one month before Rosh Hashana and the whole month of Elul is considered preparation for a new year?
According to Chassidut and Kabbalah the fact that Tu B'Av is 45 days before Rosh Hashana is very significant and is connected to the Talmudic debate over which month the world was created in: Tishrei, the month in which Rosh Hashanah, the New Year of years falls, or Nisan, the month in which Pesach falls and which is the New Year of the months (Rosh Hashanah 11a). Both sides make numerous arguments, but the Talmud reaches no definitive conclusion. Rabbeinu Tam, a later commentator, explained the underlying unity of both opinions: the world was created in potential or in thought in Tishrei and in actuality in Nisan.
The word for "thought" in Hebrew is machshava. When those letters are permuted they spell choshav-mah - "to think of mah - the essence of a matter;  Mah = 45; thus one can read this allegorically as: G-d began to think of creating the world 45 days before Rosh Hashana!!
That day is Tu B'Av - this year the evening of August 18 through sundown the 19th of August.  What this tells us is that we too should already begin the process of thinking about the essence of our lives and how we can be better, stronger, deeper - in effect a Mensch or a Menschette. And how we can become a self-actualized Adam/person, to coincide with the birthday of Adam, on Rosh Hashana. [Rosh Hashanah 27a] No coincidence that 45 is also the gematria of the name Adam, man or person. We thus have a 45-day program to think about the essence of our lives. In doing so, we recall the famous teaching of Hillel:
ובמקום שאין אנשים, השתדל להיות איש
Wemakom Sheain Anashim, HaShetadal Lehayot Yish.
"in a place where there are no men, strive to be a man." In short, Be a Mensch! We have 45 days until Rosh Hashana, the birthday of Adam, to contemplate this directive, to use it as the basis for our teshuvah of our miss-takes against G-d, our miss-takes against others, our miss-takes against ourselves.
LaShana Tova!

A Longer Meditation
Are you being awaken?
This email covers a seven day period. It will eventually have a meditation for each day.
Now it has a meditation for today Sunday.

It is recommended to return to this link each day of the week to see if there are any added meditations for the other 6 days of the week, until the next email comes which will have a series of meditations for each day of that Parasha. 


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Wanted Volunteers to put some links up on the Yeshshem website -
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Looking for Volunteers who wish to learn more about  a deeper Kabbalah - send an email to [email protected]