
Nemo appreciates your generosity! 
Once again, we are coming together for Pet Walk on Saturday, September 17th at Roger Williams Park. 

It's our 28th year to enjoy a lovely day in the park with our dogs, fellow animal lovers, PARL staff and volunteers.

Although, Pet Walk is more than just a walk in the park with your dog - even though that in itself sounds pretty great. There is, however, a deeper reason for Pet Walk that I'd like to share with you.
Bottom line, Pet Walk generates a significant amount of income for PARL. Fundraising events such as this is crucial to our operating budget so we can continue to offer critical programs and services to the people and animals in our community. 
Want to help? Here's how!
Signed up already? For those of you who have been fundraising for Pet Walk, we sincerely thank you! Please continue! We look forward to seeing you at Pet Walk.
Haven't registered yet? No worries, there's still plenty of time.  Register Today!
Can't make it to Pet Walk? No problem. We'll miss you but you can still support our efforts and give a   direct donation to Pet Walk.   
Fundraising isn't your thing?  Totally understand. Maybe you can help distribute posters and brochures in the community?Contact me anytime at [email protected] to get started.
Any which way that you're able to help 
is truly appreciated!
On behalf of the animals at PARL,  I thank you for your time.

Connie Kile


PARL logo


Since 1913, The Providence Animal Rescue League (PARL) has been serving people and their animals in Rhode Island and beyond. PARL is a non-profit organization (501c3) and receives no federal or state funding and relies solely on donations from generous individuals, businesses and foundations to support its critical work to provide compassionate care, medical treatment and adoption services to thousands of animals each year.


Adopt      Donate     Volunteer


Providence Animal Rescue League

34 Elbow Street Providence, RI 02903

401.421.1399 |  www.parl.org  

 Face of Pet Walk 2016 ~ Enso & Junior!


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