For your body and soul
As you know, I am a total geek about the human body. 

For some, it's cars, spreadsheets, the planets, or the garden. For me, it's this stunning form that we have chosen to experience the world in. We are a magical, moving piece of artwork covered up by the largest organ we own-our skin. It's challenging to love anything that we cannot see, I agree, but we celebrate the forests and oceans even when they are thousands of miles away. We honor passed loved ones, our religious beliefs, and even gravity-none of which can be seen. Yet, all day, we walk around hiding the most spectacular showcase of strength, energy and grace, without paying it our respects.

If we could see inside of ourselves, we would all be more mindful--of our silence to work ratio, giving and receiving, nutrient selections, and time with spirit and earth. We would witness the effects of our choices, by our heart tirelessly pumping, our livers straining to detoxify, and our knees bravely cushioning the impact of every step we took.

I know I have ranted about how beautiful you are before, but this time I have a suggestion. A ritual. A prayer of sorts.

Let us all (myself included), set aside 2 minutes a day for personal gratitude time. Shower time is good, at night before bed, or out on your daily walk. Pick a couple of forgotten spots and have a word with them: "Legs (touching them), thank you for carrying me through the day today. I love you. Sweet tummy (touching it), thank you for handling my food selections today and providing me with energy. I love you." Then pick an area that has been talking to YOU, and answer back: "Low-back, I hear you. You have been carrying around some discomfort, and I am sorry. I love you. What can I do for you?"

You see, we ARE our bodies. Our tissues and stardust are a physical representation of our eternal light. When We are glowing in balance, then our body intrinsically exists in balance as well. When we ache, something needs to change. Let us create or reunite the most important relationship we have-that one with our Self.

Try it---I assure you, you will not be disappointed.

Good news everybody.
Apple Festival Weekend and Labor Day: WE ARE OPEN!
Even better, we have a brand new yoga class on Saturday , September 3rd-Intermediate Yoga with Katie. If you like to avoid Main St and prefer some you-time, come take a class!
We had a great gathering on Friday for our overview discussion on the Chakra System and how it maps our body's aches and dis-ease. I wasn't able to capture the whole thing on video, so we'll do another one soon, but at a different time to allow those with busy schedules to make it. Here is one excerpt though, where I am discussing the process of Co-creation. Manifesting things into actuality in your life. You may find it interesting!
Coming Up

* Aerial Classes are condensing again to 1 kids class and 1 all level adult class, beginning the first Wednesday of September (the 7th) 4:00 Kids; 5:30-6:45 Level 1, 2 Adult Aerial Yoga

* A collaboration with Bullington Gardens for a special creative play time dying silk scarves with garden and kitchen pigments. $40, 2 silk scarves and all materials provided. Tuesday, September 6 1:30-3:00. SIGN UP HERE!

* A workshop on creating a space or your home to cultivate energy and spirit, led by local designer and builder  Nicole Bauguss

Don't forget about our stickers!
 Just $5 each
Final Thought:

"Do not look at your body like a stranger, but adopt a friendly approach towards it. Watch it, listen to it, observe its needs, its requests, and even have fun." 

-Vanda Scaravelli, Awakening the Spine

The Shift | 708-B Fleming St. | 828-712-3679 | Fax |   [email protected] |

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