PayPal is hosting
Opportunity Hack, a two-day hack-a-thon that focuses on solving real problems for local non-profits on
Saturday, Oct. 1 at 8 a.m. through Sunday, Oct. 2 at 5:30 p.m. at the ASU Chandler Innovation Center (249 E. Chicago Street).
PayPal's Opportunity Hack started as a pilot program created by a few passionate employees. Now in its fourth year, this global movement connects employee volunteers and community members with local non-profits that need business and technological expertise.
"This is a great program that PayPal is offering," said Mayor Jay Tibshraeny. "It is exciting to see the region's talented hacker community come together to help local non-profits better execute their missions."
PayPal welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with other companies in the Phoenix market to broaden the impact of this event for local non-profits
via recruiting more volunteer hackers. Volunteers compete for prizes and are rewarded with seeing their solutions put into action by the non-profits. Charitable organizations who want to participate are asked to complete an