Weekly Postings
Weekly Postings August 26 - September 4

Wednesday Night Tacos were a hit at our Fellowship Dinner this week. 
 Join us for our next dinner September 14. 

In This Issue
A Tribute to Anthony Ewell
                                                               In the early 1990's Saint Paul's Church administrative operations were computerized, including the parish's extensive music library. The library contains all of the copies of the anthems sung by the choirs and is housed in the Music Office on the 2nd floor of the Parish House. In addition to the more than 2,000 individual titles in the library there are also an additional 3,000 in the Music Director's library-more than 5,000 between the two. The original library software used a computer language (DOS) that is no longer supported by our Windows operating system. With the advent of Windows 10 the music library became inaccessible. With that background you can imagine how grateful I was to learn that Anthony Ewell, a member of the choir at the time, was willing to develop software to make our library records accessible again. The software not only keeps track of all the titles and related information it also makes it possible to search for just the right anthem for just the right occasion. To give an idea of how complex a task it was to convert the library I studied the options for several years with little success before Anthony's generous offer to help. Once we began it took almost two years and more than 500 hours of Anthony's time. His genius in creating such successful software is a blessing beyond compare. My successors will now have at their disposal a library rivaling any church anywhere. There are no adequate words to express my deep gratitude to Anthony. If he had wings he'd be an angel. He's disavowed any thanks for his work and that is his nature. But I'm thanking him anyway. We are so fortunate to have Anthony (and his wife Ann, our treasurer) here at Saint Paul's.
- Keith Shafer
This Weekend August 27
Master's Table Soup Kitchen
Saturday, August 27, 8:15 AM - 12:30 PM
The Master's Table Soup Kitchen at 702 Fenwick Street, will be staffed and sponsored by Saint Paul's Church volunteers next Saturday, August 27. The Prep Team works from 8:15 - 10:45 AM. This is a great opportunity to get to know other parishioners while chopping, stirring, and preparing lunch. The Serving Team works from 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM, serving meals cafeteria-style. Children as young as 8 may volunteer with parents. Contact Marilyn Grau for more information.
This Sunday August 28
  Our Schedule This Sunday      
8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite I
8:45  AM - 9:30 AM
Continental Breakfast -
Tyler Hall
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Christian Formation for All Ages
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
"Coffee & Conversation"
with the Keith Shafer & Melissa Schultz
11:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite II

Following the 11:00
AM Service 
Lemonade on the Lawn
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM EYC (off-site)
5:30 PM
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
The lessons for this Sunday
  are Proverbs 25:6-7 , Psalm 112, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, and Luke 14:1, 7-14.
Christian Formation Classes for ALL Ages  
Sundays 9:30 - 10:30 AM  

The Forum -  Flannery O'Connor and the Christ-Haunted South
George Muir, The Chapel

Living in Community - Rediscovering How to Be Christian Today;  
John Jenkins; The Berlin Room

High School
Living in Community 
Ranie Neislar;  Youth Room, Upper Level, Parish House

Middle School
Journey to Adulthood
Todd Shafer & Melissa Williams; EYC Christian Formation Room, Upper Level, Parish House 

Grades 3- 5
Spark Activate Faith 
Mary Painter, Gail Harison, Michelle Hawkins, & Melissa Heckathorn; Spark Room, (Room 1), Children's Ministries Center 

Grades PK - 2  (ages 4-7)
Godly Play  
Ginny Henson & Jennifer Marr; Alternates: Dea Baldwin & Kim Butler
Godly Play Room, (Room 2), Children's Ministries Center  

Coffee and Conversation with Keith & Melissa
Sunday, August 28, 10:30 - 10:45 AM, Tyler Hall
Every Sunday Coffee and Conversation follows Christian Formation.  Come enjoy some breakfast, coffee,  and an informal time to get to know members of the Parish.    This Sunday, Keith Shafer and Melissa Shultz will be in Tyler Hall to answer your questions about our choir programs.  Don't have any questions?  It's a great time to share your admiration as well!  Hope to see you Sunday.
Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion
with Prayers for Healing Every Sunday, 5:30 PM
Kathryn O'Shaughnessy is our guest musician.

Katie O'Shaughnessy is an 18 year student at the University of Georgia and has been studying harp for the past six years. She has performed as a harpist for Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra, UGA Symphony Orchestra, Atlanta Youth Wind Symphony, Symphony Orchestra Augusta, Georgia Piedmont Orchestra, Southern Crescent Orchestra, Georgia All-State Orchestras and bands, as well as many other ensembles in the area. Additionally, she has been the harpist in many pit orchestras for theatre and opera productions. She has performed in venues including Carnegie Hall in New York and Lincoln Center in Washington, D.C. Katie frequently plays for receptions, various events, and as a volunteer performer for assisted living facilities.  
EYC Dine and Discover Scavenger Hunt
Sunday, 5:00 - 6:30 PM, Meet at Nacho Mama's

Saint Paul's EYC will be drawing our mental powers together this Sunday night for a Scavenger Hunt! We will meet at Nacho Mama's at 5 PM in downtown Augusta, split into groups with an adult leader and then finally end up back at Saint Paul's by 6:30  PM to claim our prizes! Bring your powers of deduction and money for dinner out. Please RSVP to  Ranie to let her know you plan to attend.

Next Week August 29 - September 4

It's not too late to join our choirs

Our choirs will be returning for the new season Sunday, September 4.  It's not too late to join these groups. 

Rehearsals Wednesdays
4:45- 6:00 PM - The Canterbury Choir (children in grades 3-9)   
5:00- 6:00 PM - The Saint Nicholas Choir (children in K5 through grade 2)    
7:00 PM  - The Saint Paul's Choir (teens and adults)   
For more information on our choir program, please speak with Director of Music, Keith Shafer, (706-7242485 ext. #215), or, 
Director of the St. Nicholas Choir, Melissa Schultz. (706-4349929).

Support our youth by providing EYC dinner! Saint Paul's Youth program is looking for volunteers to provide dinner for our Sunday youth events. We need dinner provided for about 20 individuals for each of eight evenings through December 2016. Volunteers are welcome to pair up for dinner, drinks, and dessert or divide up the meal with a partner. Please contact Ranie to sign-up for one Sunday night.

Register Now for 
Saint Paul's Ironman Swim Gear Drop Team
Team Captain: George Barrett
Sunday, September 25

Ironman 70.3 Volunteers are needed to work the Swim Start Gear Drop Area located in the Marina parking lot close to Saint Paul's Church. The event will be on the morning of Sunday, September 25. Volunteers will work during the early morning checking in participants' gear before they begin the swim portion of the competition. This will be Saint Paul's signature participation in the Ironman event. We need 20+ volunteers.   To volunteer, please register on line here. Choose the Saint Paul's Gear Drop Team from the drop-down box and complete the requested information. George Barrett is our Team Captain for the Swim Gear Drop this year.  If you need additional information, you may email George here or at (706) 831-7436.

Whitewater Rafting Day with Saint Paul's Youth

Saturday,  September 17th

Saint Paul's youth are making a day trip to Charlotte, NC for a day of whitewater rafting. The trip will cost a total of $75. There is financial aid available to those that would like to attend but are unable to contribute a full $75 for the trip. A $30 deposit for the trip is due no later than September 6th. If you have questions or would like to discuss financial aid, please contact Ranie or call her at (706) 254-5332.

Parish Office Volunteers
Saint Paul's needs more volunteers (both women and men welcome!) to answer the telephone and greet those who come to the office at Saint Paul's. There are a few openings in our weekly schedule, from either 9 AM - 12 noon, or from 12 noon - 3 PM. It's a great way to get to know the Saint Paul's community. We schedule volunteers for only one month at a time, and so this need not be a long-term commitment on your part. Email Mary Lou Harrold  or call her at (803) 426-8810, or call Jean Wright at (706) 432-9062 to learn more.
Craig-Houghton Elementary Wish-List

Craig-Houghton Elementary students have returned to school. We are excited to have the opportunity to begin a new year in partnership with them. 

We asked Craig-Houghton teachers and guidance counselor how we could help this this school year.  We've included a "wish-list" of items for their classrooms. 
  • Composition Notebooks
  • Folders
  • #2 pencils
  • Mechanical pencils
  • Loose-leaf notebook paper (Wide-ruled)
  • Glue Sticks
  • Kleenex
  • Handsanitizer
  • Size small and medium boys socks
As you are shopping this month, please consider adding one of these items to your list. Drop-off boxes are available in Tyler Hall and the Narthex.

Information about our tutoring program and a new reading program is coming soon.
Looking Ahead 
Open Altar Flower Sundays
September 25 and October 23 are open Sundays for altar flowers. If you would like to sponsor the flowers in thanksgiving or memory of someone special, please contact Lynn Mays or Clint Carroll .

How you can get involved 

This Sunday kicks off our preparations for Ironman Sunday! We will have a table set up after the 11 AM service for volunteers to stop by and sign up. Please mark your calendar for the Augusta Ironman 70.3 weekend on Saturday, September 24th and on race day, Sunday, September 25th. Saint Paul's Church is located next to the starting line of the largest Half-Ironman event in the world. There are 3,000 triathletes registered for this sellout event! The race brings athletes and spectators from our own parish, community, country, and from around the world to downtown Augusta and gives our parish the opportunity to demonstrate Christ's love to our guests and give them a warm welcome to our neighborhood.

There are many opportunities for parish members to get involved. Including the following:

Volunteering at the Saint Paul's/TriAugusta Pasta Dinner on Saturday, September 24th from 5:30 PM to 8 PM in the River Room. We will welcome athletes and their families for a delicious home-cooked pasta dinner and provide them with the opportunity to fellowship with each other and our parish on the eve of the race. Volunteers are needed on Friday, September 23rd and Saturday, September 24th to assist with food preparation and set up. Volunteers are also needed at the dinner to help with checking in our guests, serving meals, checking on guests, hospitality, and cleaning up. For more information about getting involved with the dinner, please contact our Dinner Team Captain, Charles Duchscher or (706) 231-4184.

Volunteering at the Swim Gear Drop off on Sunday, September 25th from 5:00 AM to 8:30 AM. Volunteers will gather at the marina parking lot on race morning and assist athletes who are dropping off a small bag of personal items before they enter the water for the race. Volunteers will also be needed to direct athletes to the starting line Volunteers of all ages and abilities are welcome. To volunteer please click here. Choose the Saint Paul's Gear Drop Team from the drop-down box and complete the requested information. For more information about getting involved with the swim gear drop, please contact our Swim Gear Team Captain, George Barrett or (706) 831-7436. 

Bake cookies, brownies, or sweet treats for the pasta dinner and race day hospitality. You can deliver your treats to the church on Friday, September 23rd or the morning of Saturday, September 24th. For more information about getting involved as a baking volunteer, please contact Anita Tanner, Hospitality Captain or (706) 993-5720.

Volunteering with River Room Hospitality on Sunday, September 25th. Our doors will open at 5 AM and be open throughout the morning to provide athletes a comfortable place to relax before the start of their race and a space for families and spectators who are waiting on their athletes. Complimentary coffee, water, and light refreshments will be served. Volunteers are needed to help serve refreshments and to welcome our guests and demonstrate our Saint Paul's hospitality. For more information about getting involved as a baking volunteer, please contact Anita Tanner, Hospitality Captain  or ( 706) 993-5720.

A Saint Paul's cheer station will be set up in front of the church on Reynolds Street. Bring your bullhorns, cowbells, noisemakers, and cheering voices and help us cheer on the runners as they pass our church. Parishioners are invited to join us after the 11 AM service to cheer on the runners as they complete the last leg of their race. It will be a wonderful time of fellowship and fun! For more information about getting involved at the cheer station, please contact Kim Butler or (706) 833-8541.

We look forward to seeing you on race weekend! It will be an exciting weekend for Saint Paul's and Augusta! If you have question or would like additional information, please contact Kim Butler or by phone at (706) 833-8541 or Terry Johnson  or by phone at (740) 973-8434.

Thank you!
Kim Butler and Terry Johnson
Co-Coordinators for 2016 Saint Paul's Ironman Sunday

Summer Quarter (July - September) Outreach Opportunities 

The new Quarterly Outreach Opportunities is available here.  Mark your calendar with these July - September 2016 service opportunities.  We invite you to join us as often as you are able. 
This Week's Diocese of GA Newsletters

Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field
News from our Neighboring Parishes
Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North
Church of Our Savior, 4-part Series beginning September 7

Discussion lead by the Very Reverend Billy Alford, Priest at St Alban's and Dean of the Augusta Convocation and Reverend Sandy Turner, Deacon, Church of Our Savior and Archdeacon, Diocese of Georgia.

Please join us for a viewing of the video 'Traces of the Trade' and  discussion on Slavery and Racism in America in a 4-part series.   Wednesday Evenings in September, beginning with a light meal at 6:00 PM at the Church of Our Savior (Parish Hall), 4227 Columbia Road, Martinez.

September 7 Orientation, introductions
September 14 Movie (90 minutes)
September 21 Discussion
September 28 Discussion wrap up

For more information please contact:  the Very Reverend Billy Alford or  Reverend Sandy Turner.
August 2016
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our Second Sunday Birthday Celebration 
will be September 11.  Please Join us. 

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