Don't miss the 9th Annual Truck, Car and Equipment Show this Saturday...Aug. 20th, 2016!
You are invited to attend the 9th Annual Truck, Car & Equipment Show!

Bring your truck, classic car or antique equipment  to display or just bring yourself and your family out to enjoy the sights and sounds!  All makes, models and years welcome!

Work trucks are welcome...vehicles do not need to be "show quality" 
This Saturday - Gates open 8am-4pm 
Admission and Registration are FREE! 
More information Online:
Click a link below! 
Come to the show and meet "Jack!"
Jack is a one of a kind, custom 800 horsepower Mack Granite extended cab pick-up truck built by the Mack Trucks' Customer Adaptation Center!

Directions to the show:
  Watt's Truck Center | 724-668-2201 | Email | Website