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Keeping It Simple

 November, 2013

Quote of the month



is the 

ultimate sophistication."


by Leonardo 

da Vinci, Italian Renaissance 

painter and sculptor


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Pre-Marital Counseling
Certified Prepare/Enrich Program Facilitator
Marital Counseling
Infidelity Issues
Self-Esteem Support
Problem-Solving Support
Renew Marital Excitement
Family counseling

Divorce Support
Collaborative Law Communications Facilitator
Redefining Life Purpose
Grief/Loss Support

Family Counseling



I welcome the opportunity to help you work through current issues and to look at your future with a sense of hope and purpose.


Masters Degree - Applied Psychology from Seton Hall University


Post-Masters Degree-Marriage and Family Therapy from Seton Hall University


Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist


Private Practice 

since 2008


Married 25 years


Mother of 2 young adult daughters 


Passionate about 

what I do




Life is full of chaos all by itself.  We don't have to help it along, as many of us do quite frequently. Think about this upcoming holiday season and how you can keep it simple without losing its true meaning. Below are some tips which I hope will allow you to enjoy your family, friends and the spirit of giving that is so much a part of the next couple of months, without getting caught up in the unnecessary "keeping up with the Jones' "part of the season.


Having a positive perspective about the season can truly help you to enjoy it that much more.  I wish you all well and have a safe and happy end of 2013.


As always, please pass along this information to anyone you feel may benefit from its content.  I am looking for some new subscribers, so please invite others to read this monthly email.  Your help in this matter is most appreciated. Any suggestions for improving this newsletter are also welcomed.



Maryellen Dabal, MA, LMFT

Southlake Counseling & Neurofeedback Center

420 North Carroll Ave Suite 140

Southlake, TX 76092


[email protected]


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From The Positive Perspective.......


Tip #1: Reflect on the goal of the holiday. If the goal of the holiday is to spend time with others who you do not see often, then speak to them and decide ahead of time what the holiday should look like. Can we all contribute food and/or activities so as to not make it overwhelming for one person?   



Tip #2: Decide now if there will be gifts involved and dollar limits, etc. Can the expectation change from everyone buying for everyone to a grab bag where each one involved picks a name and buys just one special gift for another family member, instead of being overwhelmed with having to buy 20 gifts that are most likely not well-thought out and make January a month of debt? One well-intended gift can mean so much more than a pile of things we don't remember getting and from whom we received them. 



Tip#3: If there are no large holiday plans and you are away from family, consider using that day to volunteer at a local shelter or place where your talents would be most appreciated. Giving to others on a holiday is a wonderful gift to you. 



Tip #4: If there are young children involved in the holiday, consider speaking to them about donating toys/clothes that they no longer wear or use to someone in need. This act can help to instill the spirit of giving at a young age as well as clean out the toy box for some new toys that may be arriving shortly. Have your children deliver the donations themselves.  You will be surprised at the impact it can have. 



Tip #5: If you are planning the holiday with a significant other, be sure you are making these plans together. What are the expectations that you both have?  Do we have to have 5 vegetables with the turkey or will 2 be acceptable?  Is it necessary to have pumpkin, apple and pecan pie and do they all have to be homemade?  You decide.  



Tip #6: Take time to relax and enjoy the holiday. If you have company to your home, the dishes can wait til tomorrow.  Enjoy spending time with those who surround your dinner table.  Be thankful for their presence and all the blessings of this past year.  


As always, thank you for looking at the topic of the upcoming holidays...........From The Positive Perspective.



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I welcome feedback regarding the newsletter or questions about my practice.  I can be reached at [email protected].  I cannot, however, give advice through email. For more information on my practice please visit my website: www.dabalmft.com

I wish you well...