August 25, 2016
In This Issue


Starting September 6th
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

The Church office will be closed on Monday, September 5th in honor of Labor Day
South Church
is coming back! This Fall we will again host a fun-filled evening with a silent auction, entertainment and food. The committee is still looking for items for the auction. If you can help in any way, please contact Betsy Clardy or Becky Field for more information. 

The Youth Groups will be starting up again in the next few weeks. 

Mindy and Carlos are looking forward to a fun year with the Tween Group (4th and 5th graders).  They meet in the Youth Space and their first meeting is Thursday, September 15th at
6:00 p.m.

The Junior High Youth Group (6th-8th graders) will be holding their first meeting on  Thursday, September 29th at 7:00 p.m. 

Carlos will be meeting with the Senior High Youth Group  (9th - 12th grade) on Sunday, September 18th at 7:00 p.m.

Don Eaton Concert 
October 15, 2016 
7:00 p.m. 
First Church,
Hopkinton, NH 
There is no charge
Don is a talented and deeply compassionate singer/songwriter, lecturer, and seminar leader.  He uses music that he composed and performs to share a ministry of peace and justice in our crazy world.  He also founded and directed Small Change, a non-profit focused on compassion education and hunger relief.  Through that organization, he has shared a message of using our small change to make a difference in the world.

For more information contact Don Eaton.

Deepening the Conversation
Dear Friends in Christ:
I truly hope that this summer has afforded you some Sabbath moments for spiritual renewal!   If your experience was anything like ours, the summer brought not only time to reconnect with family and self, but a summertime "openness" to the grace of God we often miss during the even more frenetic times of the year. Now that Laurie and I are officially "empty nesters," we are certainly in touch with the tides of time and the changes that life continually requires of us all.
In these times of change and challenge, I am particularly grateful for the love that binds us together as South Church, and I am looking forward to reconnecting with all of you this fall in worship furthering our work as an agent of Jesus' love in the community.
Our culture is increasingly polarized and violent. The nation is in the midst of "conversations" about race relations, Islam, ideological extremism, security, transgender rights, immigration, just to name a few. Sadly, these "conversations" don't tend to take us in the direction of greater understanding or deepening respect for one another. Quite the opposite.
Carlos and I both believe that part of our call as a congregation is to counter that trend.   So, beginning this fall, we as a congregation will gradually embark on a journey as disciples of Christ in the work of engaging one another in sacred conversation: modeling God's love for all people by adopting some listening and speaking skills which make it truly safe for us to articulate and celebrate our different points of view in ways which deepen community rather than divide it.
We will invite the ministries to adopt some "compassionate listening" practices in their work. We will host speakers from the transgender and Muslim communities to share some of their experiences and engage with them in conversation about how to encourage a more civil and meaningful discourse that welcomes our neighbors. And throughout the year we will be "listening" for the Word of God in the Gospel of Luke.
Our sermons will draw largely from Luke's gospel, and you are invited to join with the whole congregation in reading the Gospel of Luke throughout the coming year.
Stay tuned for more!
God be with you.

South Church SAGES
Senior Adults Growing
& Exploring Spiritually
This year will be one of transition, letting go and listening for where God is leading us.  Carlos and Jed will be sharing in leading the SAGES (Senior Adults Growing & Exploring Spiritually) through this year.  Some of our time will be spent just being together and sharing our stories, our hopes and dreams and our concerns.  Some of our time will be spent exploring "Aging as a Spiritual Practice." 
Here is the meeting schedule for September through December.  Please make sure to note that some meetings will take place at the church and others will be hosted in the community.  Also please note the meeting times. If you have any questions please contact Carlos. He can also be reached by phone at 224-2521.  
September 14, 2pm at South Church - Carlos leading
October 5 , 2pm the Great Room at Havenwood - Jed leading
November 16 , 2pm at South Church - Carlos leading
December 14 , 2pm an Advent Service at South Church 

Activities are starting again...

The Bell Choir Rehearsals will be starting on Tuesday, September 6th at 7:15 p.m.

Choir Rehearsal will be starting on Thursday, September 8th at 7:00 p.m. 

Christian Education will be starting  on Sunday, September 25th.
Fall Family Retreat
Friday, September 16th- Sunday, September 18th
at the Horton Center on Pine Mountain located in Gorham, NH.

Join other South Church members for a week-end of: hikes, campfires, skits, worship, shared meals, adult discussions and group activities.

75.00 Per adult 
50.00 Per child (ages3-17) 
Plus the cost of food.

For more information contact Ingrid White

Fill out the Online Registration to reserve your spot for this week-end away with other South Church members.