June 2016
Notes from the Principal:
I am excited for another great school year. I am looking forward to welcoming in the new second graders and welcoming back the students going into third grade. We have an exciting year planned for our students. The teachers have spent time over the summer attending exciting professional development workshops to help provide our students with the best possible educational experiences at Pataskala Elementary. 

To help parents, the supply lists for this coming year can be found on this link or by going to the Pataskala Elementary webpage.

I look forward to seeing everyone throughout the school year. 

Mr. Wehrman

The Southwest Licking Local School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer and as such does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, veteran status, marital status, or any other status protected by law.

Upcoming Events for the month

August Dates:
-August 8,9,10, and 12th: Parents will be able to come into the office and pick up a sheet with their student's homeroom teacher as well as pick-up and drop off information. This will be available from 8:30 to 3:30. If you are unable to make it in on those days we will mail the information out to your home address on August 12th.  
-Supply Drop off will be August 17th from 5:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. 

How to help your student learn
Summer Tips!
ยท          Please read with your student for 20 minutes each day. The Pataskala Library is an excellent place for students to find books at their reading level. 

Teacher Spotlight
Welcome to our new teachers at Pataskala!

We would like to welcome a few new staff members to Pataskala Elementary. Brittney Fuller will be splitting time between Kirkersville Elementary and Pataskala Elementary as our new guidance counselor. Pataskala would also like to welcome our new Intervention Specialist-Jennifer Murdock as well as our Reading Intervention aide Lauren Kyre.  Finally Lauren Harkless has been hired as one of our new 3rd grade teachers.