How to Develop Women Leaders  

THE SECOND White Paper in our series on Transpersonal Leadership - Women, Naturally Better Leaders for the 21st Century - looks at the reasons why we have a confluence of women playing a greater role on the world stage in the workplace. It also covers some of the cultural barriers that hitherto have kept them from achieving parity at the most senior levels. 
Is it just a coincidence or a real sign of the future that as this paper is published we are probably on the verge of women leading the three most powerful nations in the Western world? Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, and arguably the leader of Europe, Theresa May who has just become the British Prime Minister, and Hilary Clinton, who the polls suggest will become the first female president of the USA, in November. 

What a trio! Can they change the world for the better?
Our new Quarterly White Paper, sent directly to you as a client or colleague of LeaderShape, reveals new data built around Emotional Intelligence attributes and comparing the strengths of men and women.    We then go on to offer practical input to develop organisations that recognise those strengths. On the other side of the equation,  we can help your women employees develop in areas where they can tend to seem naturally weaker than their male counterparts.  

We'd be delighted to hear your comments on our LinkedIn group regarding what you are reading and how it applies in your organisation here.  Do get in touch.
About the Author

Greg Young, CEO of LeaderShape Global
has been a thought leader in the field of leadership development for over 10 years following a senior career in the Lifesciences and Telecommunications Sectors . He is a contributor to "The Invisible Elephant & the Pyramid Treasure: Tomorrow's Leadership - the Transpersonal Journey" (2011) and "Leadership Assessment for Talent Development" (2013).  Greg has a passion for diversity in leadership and most recently was on the Judging panel of Women in Construction and Engineering Awards (WICE) 2016.

Tell Us What you Think

OUR PUBLISHERS, Taylor & Francis (part of the Routledge Group) have had hundreds of responses to a global survey regarding the first White Paper on Developing Ethical Leaders; over 90% rated it good or excellent.... 

If you read this first thought-leading document, please let us know your responses here.

Or, here's another chance to engage with the paper How to Develop Ethical Leaders.. and we'd be delighted to hear your feedback thereafter.  

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Greg Young, 
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