August 15, 2016

Your recap on the Foundation For Ethnic Understanding's media coverage! Be sure to stay up-to-date with our website, blog, Facebook page, #MASO FB page and Twitter account! 
#MASO Muslims Are Speaking Out: New Videos

DC Rally: American Imams like Imam Muhammed Musri and Imam Mohamed Hag Magid are fighting extremism and are working to empower Muslim youth as prospect and asset to the country.  Fatima Salman: Speaking Out Through Community Work and Coffee--- "But what we also realize is that it's not just a matter of speaking out but it's those bonds and relationship building that actually changes perceptions... So its that relationship building that's what's going to make a bigger difference." 

Russell Simmons' Interviews with Yahoo! News Now, Variety, and Uproxx News  

FFEU Chairman Russell Simmons was interviewed by several media outlets. Yahoo! News Now: "Russell Simmons Takes Islamophobia, Bigotry, and Possibly Donald Trump." Variety: "Russell Simmons Harnesses the Power of Celebrity of Effect Change." Uproxx News: "Russell Simmons Slams Donald Trump Over His Increasingly Islamophobic and Hateful Campaign."

Please click on the links to see the interviews!    
Rabbi Marc Schneier's Op-Ed

FFEU President Rabbi Marc Schneier's Op-Ed on The Hill: "To End Terrorism in Europe, Muslims and Jews Must Reach Out To Each Other"

Please click here to read The Hill article!

Walter Ruby Speaks at "Dialogue  Between Faiths: A Recipe for Peace in the Modern World"

FFEU Muslim-Jewish Program Director Walter Ruby took part in a panel discussion with Catherine Osborne, Executive Director of Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign, Imam Zaid Shakir, co-founder of Zaytuna College, and moderated by Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi, Director of the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers, on the theme of "Dialogue Between Faiths: A Recipe for Peace in the Modern World" at the Summer Convention of the Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent in North America (APPNA) on August 5, 2016 in Washington, D.C. The event drew thousands of doctors of Pakistani descent and their family members from across North America. 

Picture from Left to Right: Session Moderator, Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi, Walter Ruby, Catherine Orsborne and Imam Zaid Shakir. 

The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding | 917-492-2538 [email protected]  |