For your body and soul
This entry is dedicated to a beautiful woman who came to me recently wondering, "What now? What am I supposed to be doing? It's all wrong right now. I'm not happy."

The albatross is a sea bird with wingspans varying from 6 to 10 feet, and the capability of spending years between earth landings. They are beautiful creatures....creatures designed to soar. However, living into an albatross's fullness comes with great risk. Sometimes it doesn't happen at all. After only weeks of life, the parents leave their young along the shore of an oceanic island. For days the young birds practice opening their wings into the wind, building confidence and muscle. But practice may or may not prepare them for what looms in their future.

Conveniently, every year as the albatross youth learn to fly for the first time, tiger sharks visit in swarms. Getting off land and into the air alive may involve a few close encounters, or could end in a single moment.

It's a stunning event to watch, on behalf of the albatross as they narrowly escape death in an attempt to step into their fullness. The irony is that because their wings are so magnificent, they have difficulty learning to soar.

It is because your radiant potential is so MASSIVE that you stumble over our own feet, fall on your face, and cup your hands over your face in defeat. Learning to soar is the bloody, itchy, awkward, dangerous part of BECOMING. Some will never make it. Some will be too intimidated by their own grace and magnificence and will be consumed by the effort.

But some, my warriors, some will dodge, one...two...three...or even more soul-rattling trials before surrendering to the LIGHTNESS.

So, what IS the lightness? What are we not GETTING??

Lightness is KNOWING that there is only One and You are it. That there is no separation. That there is nothing in this universe that is not that which created it. (did you follow that?!) Instead of trying to muscle your way in to prove yourself, fully accept that you have an enormous wingspan and that you were BORN TO FLY. You were born to know thy Self. It is doubt that wounds us, makes us heavy. It's wondering what to do next, becoming stuck to one belief system, carrying around a grudge, fearing death, or feeling out of control among many, that speak of our conscious, human brains, producing struggle and the weight of life. Lightness supersedes our minds. Lightness is a surrendering. It is an uncorking of Breath Wisdom and all it touches. You can't fall if there is no gravity, and it is this acceptance that we must learn to dance with. Just as the albatross does, we dance. In and out of trust. Until one day, we soar.

If you would like to watch a brief video of these experts of flight in action,  CLICK HERE
Classes ARE running Monday, August 15th 
(3:00 Wisdom Sharing Circle included. Topic: 
What happens when I close my eyes?)

The studio will be CLOSED 
Tuesday Aug 16th- Saturday, August 20th.

Thank you for your patience. Will send videos!
(Steve tells me the Early Risers will meet at the Namaste Center during these days, if you're interested)
Beginning in September we will have 
10:15-11:15 (after Pilates) Intermediate Yoga 
with Katie Rinaldi
For the adventurous beginner or the yogi with some experience under their belt. Katie has the spirit of The Shift naturally within her, but is a beginning instructor, so bring her love!
(this is included in your package or unlimited membership)
Holiday Hand-made Bazaar

It's around the corner: festivities and exchanged tokens of thought and love. But this year, let's do our best to keep our purchases local. It's hard to beat hand-crafted items, which is why on Saturday, November 26th, The Shift is going to participate in Small Business Saturday. I'd like to see the studio filled with creations of all mediums made by YOU and other local artists.

This is a call for submissions! If you are interested in selling something beautiful and hand-made that you created, here are some basic criteria:

1. Because space is limited, "booth" size is a card table (artist must provide that card table), so maximize your vertical space!

2. All but one item can cost no more than $50. You may bring in one large or special piece that is a high-dollar item, especially if it helps demonstrate your work.

3. Items must be hand-made by you, not re-selling anyone else's work.

4. "Booth fee" is $20. Multiple booths spots can be purchased by the same person.

If you are an artist, craftsman/woman, tinker-er, or doodler and want to participate, please submit your interest and a photographed example of your work to [email protected]. All interest submissions must be given by September 30. Confirmation of your participation will be given shortly after that date.

What your doctor and biology teacher never talk about. The truth behind our injuries and healing is largely due to our primary energy control centers--the chakras. Studied and mastered for thousands of years, we will discuss in this interactive lecture, how your body quite consistently maps its aches and pains in relation to one or more of the 7 chakras. What are chakras? Can I feel them? Can I see them? Is there science behind this? What is my body telling me? We will cover all of these, and you will leave with resolution and the beginning healing of at least one matter that you carry with you. Bring a notepad and your questions!
Final Thought:

"Enlightenment for a wave is the moment the wave realizes that it is water. At that moment, all fear of death disappears." 
-Thich Nhat Hanh

The Shift | 708-B Fleming St. | 828-712-3679 | Fax |   [email protected] |

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