Become an Accredited Partner!
Gain access to the only scientifically researched 
customer-centric  culture measurement tool available in the market today.


The MRI™ was Awarded "Best Staff Survey Tool 2015" by Corporate Vision magazine
Dear ,

Sean and I are coming to Orange County on August 23 and 24th!

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to leverage the MRI to create a framework for guiding your clients through the steps necessary to develop a customer-centric culture. 

We will share the background on the research that led to the development of the MRI, how the model was developed and conduct a detailed review of each of the MRI Dimensions.

More importantly we will share case studies and our experiences related to implementation of the MRI tool within our client base and how to leverage the results for maximum impact.

We are excited to be hosted by Scott Hamilton, President of the premiere C-Level Network in Orange County, the ENP Institute and CEO NextWorks Strategy


We look forward to sharing our knowledge with you! 


Spaces are limited!

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MarketCulture Strategies