Bugle Calls
Issue No. 1021
March 2015

Bob Bugle-B-1001 As consumers, we all appreciate a positive shopping experience. Products or services that are reliable, appropriate to our needs, easily accessed and affordably priced are generally popular with consumers. But lots of companies offer products and services we need and want that are well made, readily available and are competitively priced. So how do we decide what to buy? How do we decide where to shop?  

Often, the most important element in creating a positive shopping experience is customer service. With product quality, availability and cost often similar between competitors, the quality of the customer service we receive has a huge impact on our overall buying experience and largely determines both where we shop and what we buy.  

But how do we define excellent customer service? Ask ten people to articulate the single most important element of customer service and you're likely to get ten different answers.  

The March edition of "Bugle Calls" will focus on what are generally accepted to be the key elements that make up Excellent Customer Service that must be present if we as individuals and the companies we represent are going to survive and thrive in today's economy.   


Warm Regards,View our profile on LinkedIn 

Bob Bugle    

Bugle Media Services     Ph: 410-420-1144
The Top 10 Elements of Excellent Customer Service 
By Bob Bugle
Bob Bugle-B-1001 There are a number of important factors that impact customer retention. Product quality, efficiency, availability and pricing are just a few. As customers' needs change and their expectations rise, continuous improvement of current products and processes and the innovation of better ones are vital if companies, and indeed entire industries are to remain relevant.

It wasn't that long ago that we shopped at the local Tower Records or Best Buy for the latest releases from our favorite recording artists, or stopped by the nearby Blockbuster on our way home from work to rent a movie.  Today much of the entertainment we see and hear is streamed into our homes via Netflix or Hulu or downloaded off iTunes or Amazon.

The Ten Commandments of Great Customer Service
By Susan Friedmann
Customer service is an integral part of our job and should not be seen as an extension of it. A company's most vital asset is its customers. Without them, we would not and could not exist in business. When you satisfy our customers, they not only help us grow by continuing to do business with you, business-meeting-convo.jpg but recommend you to friends and associates.
  1. Know who is boss. You are in business to service customer needs, and you can only do that if you know what it is your customers want. When you truly listen to your customers, they let you know what they want and how you can provide good service. Never forget that the customer pays our salary and makes your job possible.
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Jerry Seinfeld on Customer Service
Seinfeld Bad Customer Service

"Thanks for "Bugle Calls." I love it. I am going to buy the book   by Dr. Covey"

Patricia Mulrooney

Senior Account Executive
The Long Island Catholic Like us on Facebook
As always, we welcome feedback from our readers including suggestions for future topics.  We hope you find value in receiving "Bugle Calls", and encourage you to forward a copy to a friend, acquaintance or business associate so they can benefit from the information as well.

"A High Tide Raises All Boats" as the saying goes. As each of us work together and share our knowledge and experience, we and our organizations benefit.


Bob Bugle

Bugle Media Services  |  Ph: 410-420-1144